An Associated Press investigation has found that Japan exposed thousands of its citizens to risk by failing to use radiation forecasts in the early days of its nuclear crisis.
The government forecasts predicted Karino Elementary School in the town of Namie would be in the path of the plume emerging from the tsunami-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
But the forecasts never reached decision-makers and the school was not cleared out. Instead, it became a temporary evacuation centre.
Parents and others gathered in the playground of the school at the height of the nuclear crisis stemming from the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. Many ate rice balls and cooked in the open air.
It's unclear how much radiation people were exposed to or if they will suffer health problems. But the breakdown may hold lessons for other countries because similar warning systems are used around the world. This was their first test in a major crisis.
Evacuation advisories lifted
Meanwhile on Tuesday, the Japanese government decided to lift evacuation advisories in some areas more than 20 kilometres from the damaged nuclear plant, opening the way for tens of thousands of people to return home.
The advisories warned residents to be prepared to leave in case of worsening conditions at the plant. Although only a warning, many people fled their homes out of fear for their safety or because mandatory evacuation orders in nearby areas deprived them of city services.
Officials said the lifting will allow about 25,000 people covered by the advisories to return home in about a month.
The massive quake and subsequent tsunami destroyed power and cooling functions at the nuclear plant, causing three reactor cores to melt and triggering fires and explosions that spread large amounts of radioactive particles outside the complex.
More than 80,000 residents fled their homes after the disaster.
Officials at Tokyo Electric Power Co., the utility that operates the plant, and the government have said in recent weeks that the reactors have stabilized and the amount of radiation being released is now minimal.

untitled.jpg (DigitalGlobe/Associated Press) 衛星空拍的福島核廠區域, 顯示這樣的狀況迫使當地居民遠離家園.
而自周二開始政府的決定與東電的發言.....讓遠在中華民國桃園縣的板僕相信: 日本還需要幫助!!
ChiehYin Peng
I'm supposed the people who lived there had no other choices, and the government had no solutions and further help. It's nuclear, cheaper but dangerous energy. I'll forward this one though~ it's almost a half year been gone.
In addition, the waves reach the sea shore become the worst even we increased (a protecting embankment) 10M higher than it used to be. Isn't the same the Japan face to, is it? Island country's so helpless to global warming. Rain brings us hugh amount of water.....
料想人們對這樣的狀況沒有選擇的權利,(日本)政府單位的對策仍是束手無策。核能無疑是便宜但危險的能源。 這場半年前的災變版僕透過CBC New得知後續.
另外,(這10年來海邊觀浪)相信海浪已達最接近岸邊的程度,即使我們開始墊高海岸10公尺;日本應該也面對雷同的情形,不是嗎? 其實島國面對全球暖化的無助只有承受後果! 大雨往往帶來驚人的雨水, 百姓不慎落水或與水拚搏的體力不支……
還沒沉下去的身體已開始相信: 太遲了~~ 只是人的這部分令板僕仍必須節電、垃圾分類、 節水、 節碳…… update on 10 August 2011 WitchVera @ Taoyuan.