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2013-11-11 13:39:43| 人氣666| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

One day, two vistors want to take a bus to a untourist site.

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   On November 8, there were two  foreigns(one man and one woman) asked  girl how to
take (Chiayi County) bus to a place called "精忠一村"(Jing-jhong "1st village")
 at downtown bus station .

  Also want to give them a hand, however, I am so surprised that BOTH these foreigns(come from Germany! not English-speaking Country!) and that girl speak very fluent and unhindered English!!

(I  also cannot speak Deutsch)
 I recognized I didn't have enough ability to help them.....that is, the"communciation systeme" can not be setup , no matter what idea "communciation" refers Niklas Luhmann or
Jürgen Habermas.

   My English-speaking has been degenerated for a long time. It is no problem for me to derive the meaning (Sinn, in Deutsch) from reading an article or a text written in English, but difficult to take a oral conversation or write a text in English...without reference materials.

  Maybe in reality, the education system focus more attentions on English-training( not equal to Pedagogy) at younger generations than my.

 In Taiwanese everyday life, all people struggle against people for universal low-paid wage. Don't forget that Taiwan is one of the countries with highest working hours!!! Even 3rd high working hour rank of the World in a international report!!!

 And the real quantity in working hour is underestimated...all Taiwanese knows.

  Recently, someone
intentionally twisted German word "Kurzabeit" into "No-pay leave"(called 「無薪假」in traditional Chinese) and no-pay leave has a negative sense in Taiwan but positive in other countries.....

Now, the twisted hyperlink between traditional-Chinese wikipedia and English wikipedia has been corrected; the correct meaning of
"Kurzabeit"  is Short-time working.

 If  you have a job, then you will have no enough time to take your brain a break because of average 10 hours working hour.... Leisure time? Of course there is! but you maybe pay this time for sleep or engage other capitalist activity  under busy business and negotium(neg-otium, non-leisure) behaviors.

   Let us  return to the theme.

  It is not really helpful  to draw a road map to show foreign vistors which bus can take. And the same show Google Earth (basically a map) can not reach their goal.

 They do not need the actual location information of 「精忠一村」, merely confused that the
「精忠一村」 bus stop is not shown on the Bus Table.

In fact,
「精忠一村」locates between Sindian(新店) stop and Wanciao(灣橋) stop so that it isn't shown. You can arrive there via any route passing 灣橋 no matter what its final destination.

  As County Bus enters Linsen Road (it will go to Jhuci[竹崎] direction, maybe than go to Meishan[梅山] or Fanlu[番路] direction), it will pass these stops in sequense:

‧Chiayi University Linsen Campus

‧安老院 I forget its formal name. It's a institution for old, ageing people.
Maybe you want to find Yuanfu[圓福寺] Temple. Find someone lived nearby a high school, or
opposite the Taiwan Chia-yi Distric Prosecators Office....


‧「英統別墅」 This stop is located at a large-scale Taoist Temple called "文財殿". You will see many red laterns around the Temple plaza.

  "文財殿" is also  a famous position you can hear.

‧This stop....not possible someone live here. There is a jade market which original site is on Xinmin Road[新民路]---very very far from Linsen Road in Chiayi city.

「精忠一村」---The two Germans' destination. Its bus nameplate is

adjacent to small market: traditional market(day) and night market(Night).

The Street marker appears「精忠新城」with Endlish transcription "Jing jhong Sin cheng".

‧「精忠東站」 is different to above stop. Its nameplate is extremely

unobvious among many houses along Linsen Rd.  and not close to the Elementary school.

Leave Chia-Yi City into the CY County region.





   They finally decide to take the same bus with the girl and I left the station.

After that, a possibliity about their destination appears:  Miao-Yun Aranya(妙雲蘭若 in Chinese,maybe can write as "Sumegha Aranya" in sanskrit).

However, the aryana is near and fast to arrive if you get off the bus at aforementioned "英統別墅" stop.  There is a street orthogonal to the bus-driven direction(i.e. Linsen Rd.), you can find the marker of the aranya.

  The government tourist pamphlets usually provide merely  tourist information. It cannot satisfy and reponse the need to search some places who a netizen lives or just somewhere a "Untourist" interested in.

  Only I know is in CY city and the range some area next to CY city.

  How to fullfil this kind of "untourist" needs ? Maybe more and more netizens will release similar investigations and informations onto Blogs(not possible on Facebook or Twitter).

 Government? Oh, you know. Taiwan is a neoliberal( and illiberal) country: Governments now declare that they will provide less and less service for people.

Austerity.....although this term is not often heard in Taiwan life.
About Taiwanese political
consciousness , I have to write another article.....

台長: M-I

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