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倒數計時 311 天

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十月二十八日  San Mateo, CA


這陣子對自己有很多批判,也許這些批判一直都在,是這陣子因為被恐怖的新主管開除(噓~~),忽然又進到一個每天試著找工作、又掙扎著好想回去參加弟弟婚禮卻無法成行的遺憾裡,我慣性地退縮,不敢跟朋友們說,搞到現在錢又快用完了,找工作雖然常有些小小可能性冒出來,但也還沒有真正可行的機會,我自個兒用自個兒的方法搞了一個月 . . .







蘇俄女同學訝異地發現我把我們一起帶小團體的廣告拿下來了,她問說要不要我去幫她帶小孩賺點外快,我也說不要,這些事情當然我有自己的考量與原因,但不方便跟她明說,她覺得非常錯愕,於是  . . .

今天中午,她又打來,每次講電話大概都是她講話,她就劈哩啪啦地跟我說:知道我的狀況不好,傾向退縮,說她剛接了一個寫程式的臨時工作,會開始有不錯的收入,如果我需要幫忙可以跟她說,說她從來不放棄,所以很訝異我的態度是這麼「放棄」的,等等等 . . . 




剛剛一個也是從台灣來的女生在 skype 上問我近況,我直接就說自己被開除了,哈哈哈,然後我們就這樣聊了起來,我發現當我停止批判自己,只是坦承地表達自己的狀態與想法,其實朋友們並不會批判我,我們的對話就繞著這話題轉阿轉的,聊了兩個半小時後,我想起昨天看到一張奧修禪卡,很感動:




There are two types of creators in the world. One type of creator works with objects - a poet, a painter, they work with objects, they create things. The other type of creator, the mystic, creates himself. He doesn't work with objects, he works with the subject; he works on himself, his own being. And he is the real creator, the real poet, because he makes himself into a masterpiece. 

You are carrying a masterpiece hidden within you, but you are standing in the way. Just move aside, then the masterpiece will be revealed. Everyone is a masterpiece, because God never gives birth to anything less than that. Everyone carries that masterpiece hidden for many lives, not knowing who they are and just trying on the surface to become someone. 

Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it. God himself has created you; you cannot be improved.

Osho Ah, This! Chapter 1


The Zen master in this card has harnessed the energy of fire and is able to use it for creation rather than destruction. He invites us to recognize and participate with him in the understanding that belongs to those who have mastered the fires of passion, without repressing them or allowing them to get destructive and out of balance. He is so integrated that there is no longer any difference between who he is inside and who he is in the world outside. He offers this gift of understanding and integration to all those who come to him, the gift of creative light that comes from the center of his being. 

The King of Fire tells us that anything that we undertake now, with the understanding that comes from maturity, will bring enrichment to our own lives and to the lives of others. Using whatever skills you have, whatever you have learned from your own life experience, it is time to express yourself.


大體上說,有兩種創造者,一種人創造外在的事物,一種人創造內在的佛… 原本我對自己很失望,覺得自己三十五歲了,還一事無成,看到這段話,忽然放鬆了,原來我這幾年來,就是在努力的創造內在的佛,而我的努力不會白費,因為當我內在越是清明、當我有很多慈悲與愛可以給予,不管我跟誰相處,做什麼樣的工作,那些相處的時刻、工作的成果都會充滿光,都會有很神聖的品質。


我用佛陀的道路來鼓勵自己 .. . 倒數計時,距離我變成三十六歲,還有 311 天,加油!!創造內在的佛。


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