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'Drinking a pint of urine every day keeps me young. And it's delicious': Glamorous health fanatic, 63, reveals revolting beauty secret

  • Sylvia Chandler spoke to Closer about drinking PINTS of her own urine
  • She also uses her urine to wash her hair and moisturise her face
  • Slim mother-of-two hasn't visited the doctor in over a decade



What lengths would you go to achieve good health? Would you drink your own wee?

A woman claims drinking a pint of her own urine every day for the last 20 years has kept her fit and sprightly.

Sylvia Chandler, 63, swears in Closer that her own wee is the elixir responsible for her slim frame and youthful demeanor, and claims she hasn’t needed to visit a doctor in over a decade.

While certainly not for the faint-hearted, Sylvia also uses her urine to wash her hair and moisturise her face.

Sylvia told Closer: 'Drinking my own urine has kept me healthy and energised. And it helps me stay young- men are often surprised when I tell them my age.

‘I have a glass of urine in the morning and another couple during the day. It tastes delicious - it's a bit like water, but sweeter.

'I haven’t been to the doctor in a decade. I never get colds and I've maintained my size 10 figure.’

Sylvia claims that she drinks her urine every time she goes to the loo (picture posed by models)

Sylvia claims that she drinks her urine every time she goes to the loo (this is a stock photo and the model shown is not believed to be drinking urine)

The mother-of-two is an advocate of urine therapy for everything from keeping youthful to healing wounds, and keeps a bottle of old urine in the kitchen in case she burns herself, as aged urine has stronger healing properties.

Sylvia began her unique practice after starting her own alternative natural health store, Zen in Birmingham.

She admits that despite her open-mindedness she had to start small when it came to actually drinking her urine.

She diluted her first glass with cranberry juice, but soon progressed to drinking it neat three times a day.

Now Sylvia, who has been married three times but is currently single, claims she drinks her urine whenever she goes to the loo, despite urine being a waste product, produced by the kidneys, ridding the body of toxins it doesn't need.

Filmed by Truth Juice speaking in Bristol in 2011, Sylvia claims that when in our mothers' wombs we are swimming in urine, and drinking it provides health benefits.

She says: ‘for nine months before you were born you floated in a combination of your own and your mother's urine.

'You drank it, it fed you, it grew your lungs entirely. All of your skin, your bones are made from tiny crystals which are all formed by urine.

'Most of us came out perfect with beautiful skin, and it's only when we've lived this toxic life that we get sick.

'If you came out perfect, it doesn’t matter what you get wrong with you, you can put yourself back to being perfect.'




愛美男女為了永保青春,就算方法聽起來再怎麼稀奇古怪,還是會有人願意嘗試。而英國一名現年63歲的女子西爾維亞錢德勒(Sylvia Chandler),保持年輕的祕訣,竟然是每天喝「尿液」,並用尿液洗臉。

根據英國《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)報導,英國布明罕這名民俗保健療法店家負責人西爾維亞,利用自己的尿液做「多功能」的使用,而且還稱這種方法,能讓自己青春又美麗,對身體也有正面影響。















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