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老歌亂談(1012)On the Wings of a Nightingale

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The Everly Brothers ( 艾佛利兄弟二重唱 ) 出生自歌唱家庭,父母均為歌手。兄弟倆在唸高中時就已開始音樂表演活動,而受到家庭朋友、也是鄉村音樂界重量級人物Chet Atkins的注意及引薦。1956,兄弟倆開始唱自己的歌,1957,以一首《Bye Bye Love》揚名立萬,接下來幾年也是好歌不斷,像是《All I Have to Do Is Dream》(1958)、《Cathy's Clown》(1960) 等等,也成為了國際知名的二重唱團體。

話說天下大勢,合久必分。兄弟倆在1973開始分道揚鑣,各自發展歌唱事業。1983,The Everly Brothers在倫敦合開了一場演唱會,因而終止了10年來各自的獨唱事業,又再在一起唱歌,也應驗了「分久必合」的說法。

此首《On the Wings of a Nightingale》是前披頭合唱團的貝士手兼主唱Paul McCartney作詞和作曲,收錄在兄弟倆1984新專輯《EB 84》中,唱片製作人是威爾斯歌手Dave Edmunds ( 他的一首《I Hear You Knocking》也不錯聽 ),此曲的單曲成績不錯,在告示牌當代成人排行榜打進前10 ( # 9 ),在鄉村及熱門榜則分別是#49及#50。

在開始戀愛的時候,那種興奮愉悅的心情,感覺像自己會飛起來,此曲描述的情境也差不多。不過,Paul McCartney更務實,還給了歌曲主角一對夜鶯 (Nightingale)的翅膀,之所以會選夜鶯,或許是因為夜鶯比較會唱歌吧!


亂談(729) I Hear You Knocking



When I love
I get a feeling like I'm travelling through the sky
On the wings of a nightingale
As I ride
My head is reeling but I don't even wonder why
On the wings of a nightingale I'll fly
High above land and sea
I'll be thinking of you and me
Couldn't ask for a better place to be
Oh, I can feel something happening
Oh, I can feel something happening
Oh, I can feel something happening to me
So hold my hand
I got a feeling that the journey has just begun
On the wings of a nightingale
And if you like
we'll fly together to the land of eternal sun
On the wings of a nightingale of love
High above land and sea
I'll be thinking of you and me
Couldn't ask for a better place to be
Oh, I can feel something happening
Oh, I can feel something happening
Oh, I can feel something happening to me
When I love
I get a feeling like I'm travelling through the sky
On the wings of a nightingale
On the wings of a nightingale
On the wings of a nightingale fly
On the wings of a nightingale

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(1013)Whatever Happened To Us
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(1011)You Asked Me To

真是很好聽 ~ 可是奇怪的是~~
下面最底部的版本~ 經過歲月催人老之後~
2020-10-10 14:34:22


2020-10-10 17:22:22
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