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老歌亂談(971)After All The Good Is Gone

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此首《After All The Good Is Gone》為美國鄉村歌手Conway Twitty自寫自唱曲,1976奪得鄉村榜的第1名,也是Twitty第16首的冠軍曲。

1978,美國黑人歌手Johnny Adams翻唱此曲,改為偏鄉村藍調的
曲風,似更符合歌曲的背景氛圍:雖跟對方早已分手,卻遭朋友認為還在一起的這種割捨不清的複雜心情。但成績卻普普,只打進節奏藍調排行榜獲得第75名。Johnny Adams的聲域極為寬廣,可以唱好幾個八度音,且習慣性的喜歡高低急速轉音及使用假音,可惜多半為翻唱他人的歌曲。其最佳成績的歌曲為1975的《Reconsider Me》,而也只獲得節奏藍調榜的第8名及流行榜的第28名。

1998,Johnny Adams死於對抗了多年的攝護腺癌,享年66歲。

Today I got a letter from someone
Just a friend we knew some time ago
And as I read between the lines
I began to realize
He didn't know I lost you
A long long time ago
Oh, I, just can't make it any longer
Everything I do is always wrong
Lord I'm just living a lie
And there's no need in trying
To keep hanging on
After all the good is gone
Lord I wish that I could die
And there's no use in trying
To keep hanging on
After all the good is gone

台長: 流浪阿狗
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