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老歌亂談(776)The Last Waltz

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此曲為英國歌手Engelbert Humperdinck ( 英格伯‧漢普汀克 ) 知名的暢銷曲之一,在1967英國單曲排行榜蟬聯了5週的冠軍,唱片賣出超過117萬張。依據寫歌者之一的Les Reed事後透露,寫此歌的靈感係來自於他的幼年,當時他父親在軍中服役,母親和她的姊妹淘都固定會在週五夜參加於當地YMCA舉辦的舞會。由於他也可聽到從舞會場所傳來的樂隊伴奏聲。故他每每都在等最後一首的「華爾滋」,因為他知道最後一曲後再過約10分鐘,就可吃到母親所作的晚餐,而那通常已是9點半或10點。不過,那是在二戰時的生活作息。

就台長所知,60年代台灣的一些家庭舞會,最後一曲並非是華爾滋,通常會選英國隱士合唱團 ( Herman's Hermits ) 的《I Understand》,因該曲有「驪歌」 ( 歌詞:驪歌初動,離情轆轆,驚惜韶光匆促……… ) 的旋律,較有即將結束離別的氛圍。而此首《The Last Waltz》暢銷後,國外確實有許多舞廳將此曲作為最後一舞,並持續了好一陣子。而英國的足球俱樂部「彼得堡聯 ( Peterborough United )」和「基林漢 ( Gillingham )」的球迷們,也常會歡唱這首歌。


亂談(19)I Understand

亂談(59)Release Me

I wondered should I go or should I stay,
The band had only one more song to play.
And then I saw you out the corner of my eye,
A little girl, alone and so shy.

I had the last waltz with you,
Two lonely people together.
I fell in love with you,
The last waltz should last forever.

But the love we had was going strong,
Through the good and bad we get along.
And then the flame of love died in your eye,
My heart was broke in two when you said goodbye.

I had the last waltz with you,
Two lonely people together.
I fell in love with you,
The last waltz should last forever.

It's all over now, nothing left to say,
Just my tears and the orchestra playing.

La la la la la la la la la,
La la la la la la la la la.

I had the last waltz with you,
Two lonely people together.
I fell in love with you,
The last waltz should last forever.

La la la la la la la la la.

台長: 流浪阿狗
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此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(777)I Just Called To Say I Love You
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(775)Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye

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