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西洋文學概論 文章數:16
1. Samuel --> 耳朵特別好的prophet --> Here am I.2. Moses --> a chosen prophet --> 眼睛特別好3. Exc... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-24 18:54:05 | 回應:0
1. Rome --> conservative2. pride (hubris)3. in- 否定的字首 ex:inadequacy4. omni- :all5. -potent :power6. om... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-24 18:53:35 | 回應:0
1. Deus ex machina:god out of the machine2. dramatic monologue --> suggest an auditor or auditors3. solilog... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-24 18:53:04 | 回應:0
1. What are you thinking? = What'sin your mind?2. Reading literature builds knowledge of culture, values syste... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-24 18:52:27 | 回應:0
1. Calvary 耶穌受刑的地方2. INRI : Iesus-Nazarene-Rex-Iudaeorum3. Crucifixion of Jesus 有關耶穌被釘在十字架上4... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-24 18:51:59 | 回應:0
1. oral epic 口語傳述作品 ex:The Iliim and The Odessey2. literary epic 寫作的文學史詩 ex:The Aeneid3. alter (n... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-24 18:51:28 | 回應:0
1. xerox = copy2. ally 盟友 <=> nemesis 天敵3.<I'm nobody>---- By Emily Dickson4. banish = exile 放... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-24 18:51:00 | 回應:0
1. no conflication, no story 沒有衝突就沒有故事2. rage:extremely angry3.Dylan Thomas - Do not go gentle into t... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-24 18:50:28 | 回應:0
1.hypo-→underex:hypothetical question;hypothesi;hyperactive2.suggest(1) revel(2) advise3.Persephone→石榴(... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-24 18:49:55 | 回應:0
1.Character(1) (人的)品質;性格;(事物的)性質(2)人物,角色(3)名聲2.Cassandra (1)Paris’s sister(2)the princess of... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-24 18:49:22 | 回應:0
1.靠才靠運靠牽成程度態度氣度(degree,attitude,tolerance)2.The face that launched a thousand ships.Origin:Chris... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-24 18:48:49 | 回應:0
Vocabulary1. anthropomorphism (n)擬人論2.bolt (n)閃電,電光3. myth(n)神話4. brass (n)管樂5. sting (n)弦樂6.chas... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-24 18:48:21 | 回應:0
1. anthropomorphism:something such as a god, animal, or object as having humanfeatures or qualitiesanthrop- h... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-24 18:47:53 | 回應:0
6.suitor:a man who wants to get married to a particular woman27.nectar:a drink that tastes very good28.demig... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-24 18:47:26 | 回應:0
1.1492 Columbus:found a new land2.Percy Jackson:demigod, the son of Poseidon3.Poseidon:the god of the sea4.... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-24 18:46:54 | 回應:1
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