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1. What are you thinking? = What's in your mind?
2. Reading literature builds knowledge of culture, values systems and social structure.
3. Literature provides critical.
4. ics --> 集合名詞,單數的學科名稱  ex: mathematics,physics
5. magni- :great ex:magnificent,magnifico,magnify
6. -tude :condition ex:attitude
7. be contented with  對...滿意
8. Tragedy:a form of drama based on human suffering
9. catharsis --> pity and fear -->emotional cleansing
10. Oedipus --> run away from suffering
11. swollen/swell ankle


1. idiomatic (adj) 慣用的
2. plague (n) 瘟疫
3. exile (v) 流放
4. defy (v) 抵抗
5. defiant (adj) 抵抗的
6.excessive (adj) 過度的
7. hospitality (n) 好客
8. subordination (n) 放置在次級
9. formative (adj) 形成的
10. contradiction (n) 矛盾
11. recapitulate (v) 概括
12. exempt (v) 免除
13. channel (v) 導向
14. asymmetry (n) 不對稱
15. quarrel (n) 爭吵
16. tenderness (n) 柔軟
17. colloquial (adj) 口語的
18. formulaic (adj) 刻板的
19. sophistication (n) 老練
20. superbly (adv) 極好地
21. hunt (v) 獵捕
22. magnificent (adj) 壯觀的
23. magnifico (n) 權貴
24. magnify (v) 放大
25. attitude (n) 態度

台長: Susan
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全站分類: 教育學習(進修、留學、學術研究、教育概況) | 個人分類: 西洋文學概論 |

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