1. no conflication, no story 沒有衝突就沒有故事
2. rage:extremely angry
3. Dylan Thomas - Do not go gentle into that good night
4. the most serious one of the seven sins in Greek and Hebrew - pride
5. Dante (1) Inferno (2) Purgatorio (3)Paradiso
6. Florence 翡冷翠
7. Florence Cathedral 百花大教堂
8. Pieta 聖母哀子像
9. Sistine Chapel --> Creation of Adam ----By Michelangelo
10. seven deathly sins:wrath,greed,sloth,pride,lust,eny,gluttony
11. seven virtuea:chastity,temperance,charity,diligence,patience,kindness,humility
12 Daedulus --> creat a mazz for King Minos,then he was imprisoned,including his son,Icarus.
Daedulus creats a pair of wings for his son;however,Icarus is so close to the
sun that the paraffin on the wings melt. Finally,Icarus falls.
13 Bellerophon --> the greatest hero and slayer of monster
14. - By Allen Poe <=> 意象相近於鄭愁予<野店> ------> 創作者的寂寞
15. swine=pig
16. bard=minstrel 吟遊詩人
17. pyre (n) 火堆
18. attention 立站 , at ease 稍息 , assembly 集合 => 軍事用語
19. purple--> 皇室使用 ; blue blood 皇室血統
20.<Success is counted sweetest> -- By Emily Dickinson
1. pyre (n) 火堆
2. cunning,witty (adj) 狡詐的
3. icon (n) 偶像人物
4. hyacinth (n) 風信子
5. smirk (v) 露齒笑
6. patronage (n) 贊助人
7. encamp (v) 紮營
8. nostalgically (adv) 懷舊地
9. preeminence (n) 卓越,傑出
10. inflict (v) 給予,使遭受
11. corpse (n) 屍體
12. inflexible (adj) 不可改變的
13. hatred (n) 憎恨
14. slayer (n) 殺人者,兇手
15. integral (adj) 完整的
16. morale (n) 士氣,鬥志
17. implicit (adj) 含蓄的
18. reconcile (v) 使和解
19. grief (n) 悲痛
20. drawn-out (adj) 持續很久的
21. rocky (adj) 困難重重的
22. probing (adj) 探索的
23. versatile (adj) 多才多藝的
24. archetype (adj) 原形的
25. deception (n) 欺騙