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2007-05-03 23:56:41| 人氣805| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

if ur asking..超級英文情詩

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Subject: if ur asking..
If your asking if i need you,
The answer is forever..
If your asking if ill leave you,
The answer is never..
If your asking what i value,
The answer is you
If your asking if i love you,
The answer is i do
Measured by miles, You are far from me…
Measures by thoughts You are closer to me…
Measured by closed eyes You are with me….
Measured buy heart You are in me…….

love is what I feel for you.
love is what I feel when im around you.
love is what i feel when mine and you lips touch.
love is a word that you say to me all the time
love is what i would fear before i met you.
love is a filling that i i fill for you
which means there a spot for you in my heart.
You won my heart without a fight
I gave it up in sheer delight
Your laugh, your smile ,and all you do
Are the memories I use to get me through
Your laugh could change my darkest nights into days
It melts my heart in so many ways
When you wrinkle your nose and look so sweet
My heart begins to sink to my feet
If I had one wish
I would wish for you
And hold you close till my time was through
What I am trying to say,
is hard to do
I guess what is,…..is I Love You

台長: someone
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: 胡思亂想 |
此分類上一篇:巨 蟹 座 Cancer ﹙6月22日至 7月22日﹚

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