繼去年十月在Jeff 的英文課寫過一篇Right Here後,
今年二月的某個課堂老師又再度要求我們寫了一篇Right Here,
p.s 下禮拜同一時間,

I never saw how a Muslim prays until I met Kan, who was my classmate from Pakistan. Whenever we enjoyed our break time in the cafeteria, Kan
was in an empty, dark class on the third floor praying alone. One
afternoon in November 2008, I didn't go down stairs to the cafeteria as
usual, I followed Kan to an empty class during our break time. Kan said she was going to show me how a Muslim prayed and I could eat my banana while she was praying. At first, Kan
took a pink blanket out of her bag, putting it on the ground, and faced
a window in the eastern direction. Then she knelt down on the blanket, put her hands together, and murmured her prayers. After a two minutes
prayer, she stood up, and then knelt down again to begin another
prayer. Sometimes her prayers were short, and sometimes they were about
five minutes long. I couldn't remember how many prayers she did during
the 30 -minute break time, but I knew that there were at least four
times she knelt down and stood up again and again. Kan said she had to do two small worships and two big worships every day. And the worship she showed me was a small one. I said to Kan that I was a lazy person who couldn't spend so much time praying to my Lord, and I always forgot to pray before each meal. Kan said whenever she prayed, she felt so satisfied and so happy. On the way back to our classroom that afternoon, Kan
told me that according to the Koran, one day Christians will
become Muslims. I am not sure what she said was true or not, but I
admired her faithful mind and beautiful ways of praying. By the way, Kan
also taught me one thing. The reason why she had to leave class earlier every day was that a Muslim woman has to go home before the sunset. I
was very thankful to Kan
for her sharing of her religion, which helped me to understand the
cultural differences and also gave me a new reflection of my way of
praying. I am also thinking about covering my hair as a Muslim one day,
so that I will never worry about where to find a good hairstylist,