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英文寫作實驗室--I have a dream

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從去年九月至今, 在Jeff的英文課堂上已經陸陸續續寫過

1. Formal Letters

包括寫給美國Obama 總統和第一夫人蜜雪兒的信


所以這兩封信寫的不痛不養, 連自己都懶得看

唯一在信中強調的, 就是希望和我們同住在Hyde park 區的總統先生夫人

能不能改善一下這裡的治安, 可知道去年六月有個準博士畢業生就在60街遭到搶劫與


2. Dear John Letter

所謂的Dear John Letter, 就是寫給情人的分手信


然後試著在信中表達我的感受與心情, 以及我為何想要做出分手的決定...

其實在寫這封信的時候, 竟然可以幫助我了解到彼此之間的那些梗在哪裡,


3. Letters to my children

老師要我們寫一封信給二十年後的小孩, 要在信中交待這幾年我們在美國的生活與處境...

其實班上只有兩個同學是真的有小孩, 所以老師要我們想像自己身為家長的姿態,

寫信給未來的小孩, 而我寫的信的開頭就是:My dear daughter

4. Summary

我最討厭的就是寫Summary, 因為要把一個長篇大論的紐約時報文章


目前為止, 已經寫了三篇Summary

5. Book Review

我寫的是Into the Wild ( 中譯: 阿拉斯加之死) 那本書的書評

6. Film Review


其實十年前我大二的時候就看過楚門的世界了, 十年後的現在再看一次,


7. Fairy story

除了之前在網誌上提到的那篇Why is there Snow, 我們也曾分小組,

每組六個人, 用接力賽的方式幫助每個隊友完成他的Fairy story

8. Right Here!

就是要用一定的格式寫出在Truman College 發生的事情,


9. Detective story

 老師要我們當場拿出自己的皮夾或皮包, 把自己當做旁觀者來檢查皮包裡所有的證件,

名片和金錢, 然後像詹姆斯龐德一樣, 推敲出這個皮包擁有者的身分, 職業, 和興趣等,


10. Home

老師要我們寫出心目中對於家的定義, 這一篇我寫的非常誠實非常刻骨,


11. I have a dream

今年二月, Obama 總統就職典禮前夕, 老師放了美國人權鬥士馬丁路德金恩博士

在1963年8月的那場演講 I have a dream  給全班看, 看完後,

老師要我們自己寫一篇 I have a dream,用各種形式都行, 詩或散文皆可,

老師看完我的初稿後, 說我的寫作風格比較像是詩, 所以就鼓勵我完成一篇像詩一樣的

I have a dream


好比如何定義自己是哪個國家的人, 對於公車色狼, 給小費, Walmart 是否該提高工資,

如何教養小孩, 代理孕母, 領養小孩, 產婆制度, 以及產婦是否可以決定要在自家生產


(班上有70% 是女性同胞, 也難怪老師給的討論主題都跟女人比較息息相關)

今天, 我要來分享的英文寫作就是I have a dream


                                    I Have a Dream

I have a dream that the ones I love and the ones who love me will live

years or more.

I have a dream that everyone on earth can have a good family and a

career with many vacations.

I have a dream that there is no poverty and no babies dying from hunger


I have a dream that I’ll become younger and younger.

I have a dream that my hair  will grow in a wonderful way and I’ll never

about where to find a good hairstylist.

I have a dream that all the most beautiful dresses and shoes of my size

jump into my closet.

I have a dream that my husband will cook French food and make

snacks for me every day and I can enjoy them in a fancy

bath tub.

I have a dream that the temperature of Chicago will always be above 60F

after today so that I can walk on the street in my mini skirt.

I have a dream that one day when I am on the top of Mt. Yangming,

which is
in Taipei, there will be a blackout and I can see the stars above

me when
there is no light below my feet.

I have a dream that my dog will meet his Miss Right and have a lot of

to play with me.

I have a dream that I’ll give birth to twins who can take care of each

when they are just born so that I can have tea time with my friends

whenever I want.

I have a dream that I can go back to Taiwan to be with my family and my

in the next three years.

I have a dream that I can finish writing a Chinese novel and publish it,

selling 1,000,000 copies and become a millionaire who can build a theater

named Sophia on the beach close to my grandmom’s house.

I have a dream that all of my dreams will come true one day!



台長: 長小魚
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: 英語教學雜錄 |
此分類下一篇:英文寫作實驗室---A letter to my future child
此分類上一篇:英文寫作實驗室--今年二月的Right Here!


所以畫出來就乾乾的, 和沙漠很像...:pp
2009-04-11 03:04:03
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