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School Jokes

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School Jokes
今天在 Barnes & Noble看到一些與 “老師” 有關的笑話, 真高興能用這種”嘲諷”的心態面對那無法一言以蔽之的教育.  
美國比起台灣也好不到哪裡去, 一堆老師深為 “班級經營”所苦, 學區也不斷舉辦研習探討相關問題, 可是情況與在台灣一樣, 重點是 “實際執行”不是理論空談.   昨天與校內一位任教西班牙文的老師相談, 才發現我們彼此都對 PBIS 教法—簡言之就是採用超級正向Positive的言語及教法面對所有學生—抱持懷疑態度….我心裡的OS :”簡直是”博雪”一通!!”   而且我根本不是一個正向思考的人, 我專門擁抱人性的黑暗面, 叫我如何Positive, 簡直抹殺我的個性嘛!
不說了, 來看笑話  
School is a kind of state-supported baby-sitting service.   (Gerald Kennedy)
 How do you explain “counterclockwise” to a child with a digital watch?
(以下是冷笑話, 美國校園裡也挺流行這一套, 開學至今也聽過不少冷笑話或是冷腦筋急轉彎)
Where do students sit when they are learning math?
     At multiplication tables.
 What kind of school would you find on top of a mountain?
     A high school.
                                          
Reasons to Be a Teacher:
1. You want your summers free so you can  scrape together a living by driving a cub, tending bar, and selling Fuller brusches.
2. You are a natural actor, unfazed by an audience that eats Fritos, applies nail polish, and cheaks Double Bubble during your performance.  (美國學生就是這個樣)
3. You want to impress your friends—particularly those under age 11.
4. You love moron jokes.
5. You have neat handwriting.
 Teacher: If 1 + 1 =2, 2 + 2 = 4, what is 4 + 4?
    Student: It’s not fair! You answer all the easy ones and give us the hard one.
 Student: My science teacher says I should be an oceanographer.
    Dad: Really, why?
    Student: Because all my grades are below C level.
 Teacher: Johnny, please spell the word “:Mississippi.”
    Johnny: The river or the state?
  其實還有很多. 這幾本剛好都在大特價, 何不買回去"慢慢笑" ??
  騎了大老遠的自行車, 還是有點收穫地...

台長: Constance M.Y.
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