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2007-06-08 20:37:44| 人氣255| 回應4 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A-thon Kiwi Quiz 紐西蘭常識題 - 解答

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Kiwi Quiz 其實還真的蠻難的
今天胖媽在學校裡 剛好碰上兩個班級做測驗
由於有些拼音實在太奇怪 老師們就放水
只要不是錯的太離譜 老師都會算答對
其實每個班都在較勁 看誰答對的多
最後勝出的那班 就可以吃一頓免費的披薩和薯條
為了面子 老師們也很努力


1. What are the three official languages of New Zealand?
English, Maori and NZSL-New Zealand Sign Language.
2. What shape symobls are on the official New Zealand flag?
The Union Jack and four stars. The Union Jack is the flag of the United Kingdom, the country that claimed control of all NZ and the four stars represent the Southern Cross, a star pattern that can be in the NZ night sky.
3. What name is given to the main mountain range in the South Island?
The Southern Alps. It is the longest and highest range in NZ. It includes Mount Cook, NZ’s highest mountain.
4. What is the Maori name for Mount Cook?
Aoraki or Aorangi. Aoraki is a South Island Maori pronunciation and Aorangi is a North Island pronunciation.
5. Who is Tane Mahuta?
The largest living kauri tree in NZ. It is in the Waipoua Forest in Northland
6. What is the Maori name for the "New Zealand Christmas tree"?
The pohutukawa. It is a tree that has bright red flowers around Christmas time.
7. What is New Zealand’s only native mammal?
The bat. There are three species. One is thought to be extinct.
8. What is the Maori name for greenstone?
Pounamu. There are four main types. Another English name is NZ jade.
9. What is the common name of the big rock at Piha Beach?
Lion Rock. It looks like a lion sitting down looking out to sea.
10.What was odd about Stewart Island on Captain Cook’s first map of NZ?
It was joined to the South Island. He thought it might be a peninsula.
11.What is L&P, the soft drink that’s world famous in NZ?
Lemon & Paeroa. It was first made from naturally bubblky mineral water from a spring near Paeroa. Lemon s added to improve the tast.
12.Who is Auckland named after?
Lord Auckland. Captain William Hobson, NZ Governor chose to name the place after him because Lord Auckland had helped him earlier in his career.
13.Which NZ pop group wrote and sang a song about coming to NZ in a sailing ship?
Split ENZ. The management of a big radio network in the UK banned on the song in 1982 because it might upset families with sailors fighting in the Falkland War.
14.What is the name of the building in Wellington where the NZ Parliament meets?
The Beehive. The design idea was thought up by Sie Baail Spence in 1964. It was built 1969-1979
15.What is the name of the current NZ Governor-General?
Anand Satyanand.
16.What was the kiwifruit once called?
The Chinese gooseberry. About 100 years ago the seeds were vrought from China to NZ where it was further developed.
17.Australians call them "thongs" but what are they called by New Zealander?
18.Which NZ author and illustrator has published books about Hairy Maclary? Lynley Dodd. She has written 24 picture books.
19.Which New Zealander invented the water-jet drive for boats --
Bill Hamilton. He lived near one of the many shallow rivers in the South Island and wanted a motor boat that could more quickly and easily on them.
20.What is the name of the NZ organisation has supported parentswith yong children for over 100 years?
Plunket. It was started in 1907 by Dr. Truby King who was shocked at the number of NZ babies who died each year It was named after the wife of a Governor-General of NZ who supprted idea.

以上這些習題對DD來說難上加難 所以我建議老亨利讓DD用20個拼字代替
老亨利也同意 DD今天把A-thon card帶回家
他也考個20 out of 20
哈 我又得"樂"捐囉

台長: 胖劉媽
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: At School/College - DD |
此分類下一篇:Well Done! Oliver!
此分類上一篇:A-thon 常識題 -- 解答


2007-06-09 07:20:13
沒辦法 有人說看了頭都昏

我還是一次說清楚 講明白吧
2007-06-09 07:36:00


2007-06-10 20:34:20
2007-06-11 16:51:33
哈, 有人跳出來講了.
那我也小聲說, 我看了兩三題,
2007-06-11 20:46:28
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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