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2007-06-08 19:43:23| 人氣107| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A-thon 常識題 -- 解答

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好吧 我乾脆公布答案 免得大家傷腦筋

1. On which river are the Victoria Falls? Zambezi River
2. How many states are there in America? 52
3. Which sea has no land borders? The Sargasso Sea
4. What is the capital of Finland? Helsinki
5. In which ocean is Ascension Island? The Atlantic
6. Warsaw lies on which river? The Vistula
7. How many continents are there? 7
8. What is the longest river in France? The Loire
9. Which mountain was known at Peak XV until 1865? Mount Everest
10.New York is on which river? The Hudson River
11.In which city is the tallest building in the world? Taipei
12.What is the largest island in the world? Greenland
13.Which is the largest of the Great Lakes? Lake Superior
14.Italy, France, Germany, Austria surround which country? Switzerland
15.What manmade landmark in Asia can be seen from space? Great Wall of China
16.Which country in Asia is the same siza as Lake Taupo? Singapore
17.In which continent will you find the Eiffel Tower and the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Europe
18.What is the largest island in Europe? Britian
19.What is the longest tunnel in the world? Seikan Tunnel 53.90km in Japan
20.What river runs through the Grand Canyon? The Colorado River

若是不明白 就麻煩各位自己翻字典吧
胖媽我要去睡覺囉 晚安!

台長: 胖劉媽
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