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2010-04-25 06:26:37| 人氣317| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

DD的英文作業 2010 Term 1 (1)

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Movie Review

Title: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

    cloudy_with_a_chance_of_meatballs 1.jpg 


This movie was happened on a smallisland.  A young inventor named Flint wanted to invent amachine to turn water into food. He did not make any food because he had noenough electricity. Sam, a woman went to the island to report the weather when Flint went to the powerline to use the power for his machine. The machine went off and hit everything.It hit Sam too. The machine flew into the sky and disappeared.


Suddenly, a giant purple cloud was upin the sky and it rained cheeseburger. More and more food came from the sky andthe mayor wanted more. The machine reached to the red code and had gone crazy.Giant food rained from the sky and people on the island had to run for theirlives. Flint,Sam and other 3 people tried to stop the machine but it didn’t work. At last Flint used his spray-onshoe formula to block the machine and the machine exploded.


I like this movie because the ideaabout food come from the sky is good. This movie is very colourful and I likethe pictures too. I watched this movie with 3D glasses and it looked so real. Iwish I can eat the cheeseburger but no pickle please. I wonder, do they havesea salt ice cream?




台長: 胖劉媽
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: At School/College - DD |
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