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2006-10-19 21:08:14

Love cuts

Everytime, if I pretend I can talk about this issue. I started to feel ill. My stomach starts to tell me... I am not ok! I am very sick! Please give me some space to breath. In front of you, I ...

2006-10-05 19:53:23

Love so cheap?

Please hear what people say behind their words. There is not need to find out in the end, after taking off their sheep coat. Sometimes the reality is so ugly than you can stand for. Maybe mature me...

2006-10-05 01:04:39

Be different!

In Taiwan, we usually talked about our competence is hard working. When I was young, I always saw my parents and people around me, they worked very very hard. Of course, it brought the economic grow...

2006-10-03 17:41:04

reflection of human behavior

Talking to a friend-she went through difficulties from her families. The health of her dad is getting worse and worse. However there is nothing she can do for this moment. So, she takes her bagage ...

2006-09-28 15:26:11


最近莫名想家 昨天以前MBA同學來找 一起去吃飯 聊著聊著 說起台灣小吃 日本料理 一下子間 所有感覺元素都跑出來了 今天跟姐姐講電話 說到圓圓 更是心理五味雜陳 好想就是回家 雖說自己也知道回去 也是一...

2006-09-27 15:24:29

Richness in your experience

Sometimes, I do not understand why the things move in some direction which is not what we wished. We felt hurt and complained a lot. I was a bit self pity like that for awhile. And yesterday I had ...

2006-09-26 17:57:12

Personal Relationship in Office?

Do you believe that your colleages can be your friends or even best friend? Do not be too innocent! And how it will be if there is a oppotunity you need to make decision which is not in favor of h...

2006-09-21 04:51:38

social influence

有人說 絕對的權利使人腐化 自己一向是個厭惡權力的人 但是若是換個角度去思考 所謂的社會影響力social influence 卻是每一個經理人所應具備的 如何推銷你的想法 如何站在別人的角度去思考 然後不失初衷 讓別...

2006-09-20 04:40:45

我的朋友Anne -談在法工作

Anne是為另一個program工作的 只是他的工作是CDD 而不是CDI 所謂CDD就是指簽約一段時間 每過一段時間就得重新再看公司要不要請你了 CDI就比較有保障 若是作CDI一般而言就是有點像台灣公務員 一輩子免操心工作啦!...

2006-09-20 03:58:25


若不是急件 東西只是一些目錄 客戶也不急 裹寄郵局只要100 euros DHL要250 euros你寄哪一個 可能郵局是個選擇 可是實際讓要運行卻得寄DHL 為何呢? 因為最近跟郵局簽的一個約說包裹只能寄2kg以下 若是2kg以上就寄...

2006-09-20 03:31:07


在我的單位, 我是一位新手 常常遇到事得找人幫忙 東問一下 到底誰知道這件事 A告訴我需問B 打個電話給B B告訴我她不負責 叫我去找C C又說是D的事 所以常常一整著半天下來 就在電話轉來轉去中度過 有時覺得怎麼會這...

2006-09-20 03:08:35


附近搬來個女孩 今天她來敲敲我的門 說是希望看看有沒辦法上網的事 我們便說著說著聊開來了 她開始時提到她的家人 提到她妹妹跟同學同居的事 說著說著提到自己 說自己怎麼也無法接受只跟一個男人在一起 結婚是可...

2006-09-20 02:55:39


同事一群人跑出去了 一下子辦公室成了孤城 電話似乎未曾停過 我的手邊的事也未曾讓我歇會兒 有時不太理解法國人做事的方式 隨性也好 感性也好 就是不管如何 先把自己放在所有事情之上 管他的工作 管他的別...

2006-09-04 12:40:06


覺得自己好像是無頭蒼蠅一般亂亂飛的過生活 不知道自己要什麼 什麼都等待別人或是環境來為我做決定 所以當自己得作出決定 得為所作的決定負責時 常常躊躇不已 所以哪裡做一點 這裡做一點 希望事情就會自然而然的...

2006-08-30 15:03:14

Do not be negative!

I try to see whether there is a way out to fill my life with meanful thing Such as learning French, working, preparing for job search, and attending the church activities. Focus on something which c...

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