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2006-12-10 14:11:00


愛是盲目 也許是我自己的堅持 讓自己看不到真實 但是當真正你的輪廓漸漸清晰 在愛情裡欺騙自己 麻木自己 委屈自己 到底是所為為何勒? 該如何形容你:自我為中心 Egoism 我想女人的盲目 在一次又一次受傷卻...

2006-12-09 08:13:41


今天到Anne家 她家裡充滿了可麗餅的味道 我們開始嘗試是各種不同的口味 先試鹹的 夾法式香腸 鮪魚 美乃茲 或是一種長的筍子的東西 再試甜的 夾creame fresh, 糖, Citron, 或是果醬 這中間Anne還讓我試試自己動手...

2006-12-08 23:30:58


Facing the changing of life again. Going to say goodbye to the friends, apartment, things, village, shops, churchs I used to in Reims. But in the bottom of my heart, I knew it is time to go. But th...

2006-12-08 05:56:41


每週三他就固定寫信過來 信通常都很短 法文英文夾雜著 就向他的個性一般 簡單 明確 最近跟他提到一個工作的機會 他回給我也一如他的個性 簡單 明確 "找一份正式的工作吧! Judee, 不要再做短期工作或是實習工作...

2006-12-08 05:31:37


最近因為工作的事麻煩家裡不少事 心中也是一直思考怎麼可以談出一個雙方都合理的做法 許多是都跟爸爸談 聽他的看法 只是這樣周旋老爸在旁邊看著我這樣忙碌 總是想 若是有那麼多事都得這般籌畫思考 是不是太累的些...

2006-12-05 04:43:14

REAL negotiation class

Yesterday was a tricky day for me. Because of the company, they proposed somethings that I really do not like. Such as as Chinese employee, live in hotel, not paying insurance and lower salary. In ...

2006-12-05 01:28:53

Right here waiting

Oceans apart day after day And I slowly go insane I hear your voice on the line But it doesn’t stop the pain If I see you next to never How can we say forever Wherever you go Whatev...

2006-12-04 05:09:19

Christmas is coming

Anna and I went to city center. We looked for the christmas tree. And of course, we looked for the beautiful clothes as well. Time went so fast. This is my 2nd chirstmas in France. Maybe it wil...

2006-11-30 18:42:26

Forrest Gump

Yesterday Anna and I watched again the movie ” Forrest Gump” in French It was weird to hear the voice of Thomas Hank with different sound. : ) Krapuye- the cat of Anne sat on my leg during all the...

2006-11-29 19:03:18

Do you ever really love someone?

I asked myself this question. I thought that I have been through some experiences and I supposed I am able to say what is love. However I found that I am still learning about love. I am still refle...

2006-11-28 17:48:53

friendship 2

Friendship is like the breeze, You can’t hold it, Smell it, Taste it, Or know when it’s coming, But you can always feel it, And you’ll always know it’s there, It may come and then go, But ...

2006-11-28 17:43:22


I believe in angels, The kind that heaven sends, I am surrounded by angels, But I call them friends. - Aizabel Parinas - Picture from MBA 2006/2007

2006-11-28 15:46:06


年輕時有時因為能把一些事看透 所以驕傲 所以把事情說白 所以洋洋得意 殊不知那是一種表象的成熟 隨著年紀漸長 學著不再數著那些事件 學著在生活中多一點對別人以及對自己的包容 笑笑的看那些不成熟的曾經 也笑...

2006-11-26 06:37:34

感恩節 Thanksgiving

想起感恩節我心中一下子滿溢喜悅 我想起我到底可以做些什麼可以讓別人也感受到滿滿的感恩節的喜悅 一中午到城裡買一些東東給傳教士 花了小小的錢 希望在遠方傳教的他 可以感受的教友的支持 心理小小的聲音告訴我...

2006-11-24 15:56:56


最近的生活總是在不斷變動中度過 從台灣日本出差回來 然後是到德國看medica展 這兩天又跑巴黎去面試或是去參加RMS Network 日子轉的特別快 只是也特別體會到 若是最近生活就是在旋轉不停中度過 學會去欣賞體驗...

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