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2011-05-30 10:54:15| 人氣238| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

French proverbs/ proverbes 11: Â la Sante-Luce

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11.    À la Sante-Luce, les jours croissent du saut d’une puce.

 As of Sainte Luce Day (Dec. 13), the days start to lengthen ever so slowly.

 (lit.: On Sainte Luce, the days grow at the pace of a flea; n.b.: This of course is not accurate; it is after the solstice on Dec. 21 or 22 that the daytime starts to lengthen.)

台長: Ramón Chen
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全站分類: 教育學習(進修、留學、學術研究、教育概況) | 個人分類: French proverbs |
此分類下一篇:French proverbs/ proverbes 12: Â mauvais ouvrier
此分類上一篇:French proverb 10: Â la Chandeleur,

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