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2011-03-30 01:00:00
2010-09-16 18:56:56
2010-12-19 17:53:08

Proverb 23: There is no rose

23. There is no rose without a thorn.朵朵玫瑰皆有刺 (沒有十全十美的人生)。

2010-12-19 17:50:27

CSentence 13: Let me drink

23. 我祝你健康(敬酒用)。Let me drink to your health.Um brinde à sua saúde.

2010-12-19 17:46:29

Phrase 23: as usual

23. as usual: as always, as is the normal or typical situation: D/wie gewöhnlich F/comme d’ordinaire E/como de costumbre P/como de costume I/al solito N/volgens gewoonte D/som han plejer S/ N/ I/ S/...

2010-12-13 01:42:13

Mammal 54: howler monkey

howler monkey.jpg54. howler monkey: D/Brüllaffe F/singe hurleur, alouatte E/mono aullador P/bugio, macaco guinchador I/aluatta Nl/brulaap D/brølaper S/ N/ I/ S/mölyapina J/ L/Alouatta sp. C/吼猴

2010-12-12 21:05:36

Flower 53: foxglove

foxglove.jpg3. foxglove: D/Roter Fingerhut F/digitale pourpre E/dedalera, digital P/dedaleira, digital I/digitale purpurea Nl/vingerhoedskruid D/fingerbøl S/digitalis N/revebjølle I/ S/ J/ジギタリス...

2010-12-12 20:43:13

P. verb 2: abrir

abrir: abrindo aberto imp.: abre abri1. abro abres abre; abrimos abris abrem2. abria abrias abria; abríamos abríeis abriam3. abrirei abrirás abrirá; abriremos abrireis abrirão4. abri abriste abri...

2010-12-12 20:40:22

Portuguese verb 1: abastecer

abastecer: abastecendo abastecido imp.: abastece, abastecei1. abasteço, abasteces, abastece; abastecemos, abasteis, abastecem 2. abastecia, abastecias, abastecia; abastecíamos, abastecíeis, abastec...

2010-12-12 20:33:52

Proverb 22: Life is not merely

22. Life is not merely living but living in health.生活不只要活,而且要活的健康。

2010-12-12 20:30:45

CSentence 12: What would you

12. 你要吃點什麼?What would you take?O que você vai querer?

2010-12-12 20:26:39

Phrase 22: at last

22. at last: finally: D/endlich, schließlich F/enfin, finalement E/por fin, finalmente P/finalmente I/alla fine, finalmente N/uiteindelijk D/til sidst S/senare N/til slutt I/ S/viimeinkin J/ L/ C/最後...

2010-12-12 03:58:47

Mammal 53: vampire bat

vampire bat.jpg53. vampire (bat): D/Blutsauger, Vampir F/ vampire E/ vampiro P/ vampiro I/ vampiro Nl/vampier D/ S/ N/ I/ S/ vamppyyri J/ L/verpertilio C/吸血蝙蝠

2010-12-10 20:12:56

Flower 52: hyacinth

hyacinth.jpg2. hyacinth: D/Hyazinthe F/jacinthe E/jacinto P/jacinto I/giacinto Nl/hyacint D/ S/ N/ I/ S/ J/ L/Hyacinthus orientalis C/風信子

2010-12-10 19:59:08

Proverb 21: Failure is the mother

21. Failure is the mother of success. / Failure teaches success. 失敗為成功之母。

2010-12-10 19:56:43

CSentence 11: Please show me

11. 請拿菜單來看看。Please show me the menu.Por favor, traga-me o cardápio.

2010-12-10 18:19:14

Phrase 21: wait for

21. wait for:expect, await: D/jemand oder etwas erwarten F/attendre E/esperar P/aguardar, esperar I/attendere N/afwachten D/ S/vänta N/vente I/ S/odottaa J/ L/exspectare C/等待

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