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2011-03-30 01:00:00
2010-09-16 18:56:56
2010-12-27 09:07:09

Phrase 26: look for

26. look for: search for, seek: D/suchen F/chercher E/buscar P/procurar I/cercare N/uitkijken naar D/ S/ N/ I/ S/ J/ L/ C/尋找

2010-12-27 08:51:56

Mammal 56: mammoth

mammoth.jpg56. mammoth: D/Mammut F/mammouth E/mamut P/mamute I/mammut Nl/mammoet D/mammut S/mammut N/mammut I/loðfill S/mammutti J/マンモス L/ C/猛獁象

2010-12-26 07:54:37

Flower 56: camellia

camellia.jpg6. camellia: D/Kamelie F/comélia E/camelia P/camélia I/camelia Nl/camelia D/ S/kameila N/ I/ S/kamelia J/つぱきL/Camellia japonica C/山茶花

2010-12-26 07:41:48

P. verb 5: aflgir

afligir: afligindo afligido imp.: aflige afligi1. aflijo afliges aflige; afligimos afligis afligem2. afligia afligias afligia; afligíamos afligíeis afligiam3. afligirei afligirás afligirá; afligir...

2010-12-23 10:51:53

Proverb 25: Trust men

25. Trust men and they will be true to you. 相信他們,他們才會對你忠誠( 信人者人恆信之)。

2010-12-23 10:49:03

CSentence 15: It's lunch

15. 午飯時間到了。It’s lunch time.Está na hora do almoço.

2010-12-23 10:43:54

Phrase 25: look at

25. look at: watch, direct the eyes toward: D/hinsehen F/regarder, envisager E/mirar (en) P/olhar para I/guardare N/beschouwen D/ S/ N/ I/ S/ J/ L/ C/

2010-12-21 09:33:36

Flower 55: tiger lily

tiger lily.jpg55. tiger lily: D/Tigerlilie F/lis tigré E/lirio tigrado P/lírio-tigre I/giglio tigrato Nl/ D/tiger-lilje S/tigerlilja N/tigerlilje I/ S/ J/鬼百合 L/Lilium tigrinum, Lilium lancifolium...

2010-12-21 09:17:18

P. verb 4: adequar

adequar: adequando adequado imp.: - adequai(vós)1. adequo adequas adequa; adequamos adequais adequam2. adequava adequavas adequava; adequávamos adequáveis adequavam3. adequarei adequarás adequará...

2010-12-21 09:14:26

Proverb 24: What you really value

24. What you really value is what you miss, not what you have.人真正珍惜的是未得到的,而不是所擁有的。

2010-12-21 09:10:45

CSentence 14: The same

14. 我也一樣(點同樣食物)。The same for me.Eu quero o mesmo.

2010-12-21 03:06:40

Phrase 24: find out

24. find out: discover, learn, get information: D/herausfinden, feststellen F/découvrir, trouver E/averiguar P/descobrir, ficar sabendo I/scoprire, trovare N/zukerheid krijgen, aanleren D/ S/ N/ I/ S...

2010-12-19 19:01:44

Mammal 55: milch cow

milch cow.jpg55. milch cow: D/Milchkuh F/vache à lait E/vaca lechera P/vaca leiteira I/mucca da latte Nl/melkkoe D/ S/ N/ I/ S/ J/ L/ C/乳牛

2010-12-19 18:36:40

Flower 54: sweet pea

sweet pea.jpg54. sweet pea: D/Duftwicke F/pois de senteur E/guisante de olor, chicharo de olor P/ervilha-de-chiero I/cicerchia odorosa Nl/pronkerwt D/ærteblomst S/ N/ I/ S/tuoksuherne J/スイートピー ...

2010-12-19 17:58:58

P. verb 3: acudir

acudir: acudindo acudido imp.: acode acudi1. acudo acodes acode; acudimos acudis acodem2. acudia acudias acudia; acudíamos acudíeis acudiam3. acudirei acudirás acudirá; acudiremos acudireis acudir...

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