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2013-01-26 20:32:11

Portuguese verb 64: partir

partir: partindo partido imp.: parte parti 1. parto partes parte; partimos partis partem 2. partia partias partia; partíamos partíeis partiam 3. partirei partirás partirá; partiremos p...

2013-01-26 20:23:49

Preposições certa 64

64.Eu pago ascontas ______ casa.(solution 63: à, do)

2013-01-26 19:56:10

Italian proverbs/ Proverbi 24

24. Cambiano i suonatori ma la musica è sempre quella. English translation: The melody's changed but the song remains the same.

2013-01-26 19:53:56

Portuguese proverbs/ Provérbios 24

24. A fome é a melhor cozinheira.飢餓是最佳廚師。

2013-01-26 19:51:31

Spanish proverbs / Refranes 24

24. Fue por lana y salió trasquilado. Em português: Quem procura acha. - who looks for (it), finds (it). Translation: He went looking for wool and came back shorn. Interpretation: If you...

2013-01-26 19:48:01

French proverbs/ proverbes 24

24. Aussitôt dit, aussitôt fait.Said and done. (lit.: Soon said, soon done. : from the Latin dictum factum.)

2013-01-26 19:45:50

German Proverbs / Sprichwörter 24

24. Dem Mutigen gehört die Welt.Fortune favors the brave.

2013-01-26 19:41:44

English proverbs/英文格言84

84. There's no such thing as a free lunch.天下沒有白吃的午餐.

2013-01-23 18:42:34

CSentence 89

89. 現在正是交通尖峰時刻。It’s the rush hour now.Agora é a hora de rush.

2013-01-23 18:39:59

Phrase 84: on time

84. on time: exactly at an appointed time:D/ pünktlich (sein) F/ à l’heure, à temps E/ a tiempo P/ a tempo, em tempo, na hora I/ N/ D/ S/ N/ I/ S/ J/ L/ C/Ex.: Did you arrive at Taipei movies on ...

2013-01-23 18:22:58

Test your vocabulary 13

the ineffable ultimate in which one has attained disinterested wisdom and compassion:(solution 12: parapet)

2013-01-13 20:23:24

Earth 24: Antarctic Circle

Antarctic Circle.jpg 24.Antarctic Circle: D/ Südpolarkreis F/ cercle polaire antarctique E/ círculo polar antártico P/ Círculo Polar Antártico I/ circolo polar antartico N/ D/ S/ N/ I/ S/ J/ 南...

2013-01-13 18:41:13

Mammal 114: reindeer

reindeer.jpg 114. reindeer: D/ Rentier F/ renne, caribou E/ reno, tarando P/ rena I/ remnna, rangifero, caribù N/ rendier D/ rensdyr S/ ren N/ renna I/ hreindýr S/ poro, peura J/ 馴鹿(じうんろ...

2012-12-25 06:20:05

Vegetable 12: seaweed

seaweed.jpg12. seaweed: D/ Seegras n, Seetang F/ algue E/ macroalga P/ macroalga I/ macroalga N/ zeewier D/ tang S/ N/ I/ S/ J/ かいそう(海藻、海草) L/ C/ 海草,海藻

2012-12-25 05:14:50

Portuguese verb 63: ouvir

ouvir: ouvindo ouvido imp.: ouve ouvi1. ouço ouves ouve; ouvimos ouvis ouvem2. ouvia ouvias ouvia; ouvíamos ouvíeis ouviam3. ouvirei ouvirás ouvirá; ouviremos ouvireis ouvirão4. ouvi ouviste ouv...

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