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2010-11-10 15:56:42

Animal Farm

Life is just like the author mentioned in the story, it’s “A thing no one could object to in itself.”Thus, “Why, work night and day, body and soul, for the overthrow of the human race.”… Maybe h...

2010-11-06 02:39:21

Something Bleeding

Love is here, dying; Cutting by the knife-edged silently action.Without a word or an answer;But the proof of honesty uncovered on timing.Nothing’s trustworthy the words particularly;Anxiety was the c...

2010-11-03 18:27:33

When Love Comes


2010-10-31 01:55:34


時間的線性沒有墜落的氛圍空間局限了意義長存的恆定有生之年 莠生之年在選擇的連續性裡歸根究底無一  無一不是孤芳自許的折翼揮別了滿天   數不盡柔腸的光怪陸離怎麼踅轉 怎麼就堅定不移怎麼不為人中之鳳  ...

2010-10-25 19:44:44

Leap Year

Here’re the quotes of the dialogue from the movie “Leap Year” …May you never steal, lie or cheat.But if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows.And if you must lie, lie with me all the nights o...

2010-10-23 02:49:09

The Serious Moonlight

Can you see the lines of the light?Can you see the lies of the life?Which hide the truth behind the perfection of imagination?The dog’s howling underneath the darkness covering.For the thunders keep ...

2010-10-22 14:27:13

Letters to Juliet

Doubt thou the stars are fire.Doubt the sun doth move.Doubt the truth to be a liar.But never doubt I love.   ... William Shakespeare in Hamlet, Act ii, Sc.2。http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6xbylPM...

2010-10-20 18:49:22

Last Forever

人生中有多少事得自己一個面對追求、擁有、擔憂、傷懷逝去的每一刻都是積累在情感的現世裡耗竭時間天地之大 不過就一方心田怎麼就著惦念割捨明天怎麼依著淚眼放下從前我們都是被時間迫著向前的竊賊為了偷一點甘心 ...

2010-10-15 22:47:06

Beachcombing at Miramar

以下文字摘錄自﹝Beachcombing at Miramar﹞… Richard Bode我用自己微不足道的方法等待著自己所愛的事物、等待著愛本身,我細心地觀察,不錯失任何可能的機會。因為我完全無法預測未來可能發生的事物。畫他自己、畫...

2010-10-13 21:26:19


I can keep thinking of you everyday but I was growing every seconds.Nothing’s right or wrong but the experiences as a jiffy to complete our lives.So far, I still don’t figure myself out yetas a flex...

2010-10-09 23:40:10

Truth of Life

What is real?Real is with the people around you side by side, day by day.As time goes by, to realized from the reality of the truth of life.Spirit Code: 201010091130

2010-10-09 21:45:58


─ 能夠在種種的因緣際會之下,靜思地書寫這樣的篇章,我們是幸福的! ─一、四生 ─ 生產、生活、生態、生命:生命(生存)的本質是狹隘的,人類才於是乎有了超脫的選擇。  回歸到盤古開天的時代,萬物的發展與演化...

2010-10-03 19:39:14

Letters to God

﹝There’s always something worth to live for that you can neverpossess it without a heart knowing how precious life could be.﹞... Renee。Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearl...

2010-10-03 01:47:38

Change for Nothing

In this moment,I can’t feel anything but my inspiration.I can’t feel the world I living.I can’t feel the cigarette I smoking.I can’t feel the footsteps I walking.I can’t even understand the lette...

2010-09-21 22:20:37

Welcome the new Member of my Family

這是我們家的新成員 ... 可愛又美麗的宜伶小姐!又在耍寶了 ... 有一種賣膏藥的感覺 ...切到一隻眼睛,是因為手太短嗎?宜伶的爸嗶、媽咪和弟弟 ...母女倆感情好的溜!又在耍賤招了,明明說好一起做的 ...開心開心 ....

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