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2012-03-09 16:34:14

The Time Passenger

人,很容易受到外界的影響,不論在心理上或生理上,外來的訊號無時無刻在左右著我們對自我的定位、對自身感受的定義、對這個世界所有物的認同;每個人,都有著獨特的眼光 … 看這世界、看著自己,每顆心,都有它細膩...

2012-03-04 10:21:38

Far away from Home


2012-03-04 10:20:21

How are we going to live better?


2012-01-12 00:21:09



2011-10-26 01:26:05


黑夜不是白晝裡微光點亮的晨曦朝露不明白即將失去的鋒芒是繼起的微笑 在淚濕之前帶著美好的心情回家吧趁天黑以前入睡日子裡失去的那些些點點會在夜裡重新凝聚以一種錐心透骨的力道強而有力地滲入身體每一坎細縫裡由...

2011-08-22 00:30:35

A Prayer For Courage

  我是一個很不擅於等待的人,天生的急性子,但是偏偏生命裡有好多好多的事,那些甜美而豐碩的果實,都是得在時間的積累下,才能結成飽滿而圓融的樣子。  三十,是一個美麗又哀愁的數字,揮別了青澀,卻又沒有足...

2011-06-22 21:14:01

Sacrifice Fly

When you stop holding then cry;Realized again life is not a lullaby.Even though keep asking why;The only thing left for try is time.Dreams are so far away above the sky;No one can help for believing …...

2011-02-12 23:05:28


  年,過了就好。  每一年都是這樣的,帶著一些些、一點點微小的差別,在難以察覺的歡快中度過,然後在很長很長的一段之後回頭看,才發現童年的無憂與天真,漸漸地淡化成回味中理想的蛻變。多想在長成越來越是他...

2011-01-16 07:26:59


Some say life is on your own hands.You need to be responsible for the results you get.When you feel like you’re living in a dream bubble.You should survey what’s going on in your life to amend and t...

2011-01-04 23:08:03

Ms. Thought


2010-12-28 23:58:50


如果沉默是灰色的字眼為什麼不能用黑暗推敲出藍天當眼前透明的視界沒有空洞當靜謐的幸福不再從前誰說 極端的反面沒有光線還是他們不懂得我見猶憐這片屋簷 那些昨天怎麼丟拋 都仍映現灰色是沉默的字眼在天黑後暗湧...

2010-12-17 17:50:53


There’s a pattern, plain but profuse and fertile.There’s a time, fleeting but placid and mild.There’s a space, invisible but tender-hearted and broad.There’s a hearing, mute but tolerant and persp...

2010-12-04 23:26:42

The Shape

I am the rain and you are the ocean.Lands gather the hints from the drops toward the seas.Ocean sends the messages by the sprays forward the coasts.Verges are the limits of the expressions of yearning...

2010-11-26 17:36:56

Eat, Pray, Love.

﹝Ruin is a gift; ruin is a road to transformation.﹞…Eat, Pray, Love.Everyone got their own destinies.To suffer, to joy, to experience, to anger, to be weak, to hesitate, to forgive, to forget, to r...

2010-11-14 01:16:01

Believe it or Leave it

What’s simple? What’s difficult?What’s protection? What’s injury?What’s happy? What’s sad?What’s clue? What’s fact?What’s love? What’s unloved?What’s right? What’s wrong?If you’re made to...

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