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2012-08-23 00:23:56



2012-08-23 00:20:14

The Vow

”I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love. I vow to love you, and no matter what challenges might carry us apart...

2012-08-23 00:18:33

The Love

Life is nothing but to find someone to talk, to share, to take a walk , to see the world together, to support each other side by side, and to stay for those important moments. Love is everything but ...

2012-08-14 21:24:20


每一個人,都應該學著樂於當一個利他主義者,不斷地增加自身的存在價值。 如果你本身所具有的特質與條件對他人與社會來說是正向的,那麼時間會是你的籌碼,並且成為你證明自身價值的利器;反之,如果你本身所具有的...

2012-08-08 20:56:10


「若愛,請深愛,如棄,請徹底,不要曖昧,傷人傷己。人生最遺憾的,莫過於輕易地放開了不該放棄的,固執地堅持了不該堅持的。」... 舒淇

2012-07-28 22:45:33

Serenity Prayer

﹝Serenity Prayer﹞God, grant me theserenity to accept the things I cannot change,Courage to change the things I can,And wisdom to know the difference.﹝寧靜禱文﹞親愛的上帝,請賜給我雅量平靜的接受不可...

2012-07-27 23:30:25


現實讓人看見愛的渺小與卑微 真理只能默默躲在時間的背面

2012-07-25 23:05:21

Something More


2012-07-22 21:57:59

The Hammer

Sometimes you’ll need somebody to talk tofor not just listening to yourself; for reconfirm the identification, for notbeing alone.Maybe that’s the original sin of beings,for seeking the one as a par...

2012-07-20 22:13:18

Live Your Life

【Live Your Life】─ Chief Tecumseh “So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they re...

2012-07-19 00:10:49

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Set a goal, for not stop looking; thence you conquer yourself on the way forward. Face your fears and fix them step by step; hence becoming the one to be proud of.

2012-07-19 00:08:47



2012-07-19 00:06:32


每一個人都有屬於自己的天性與天命, 依天性而行是一條比較輕鬆自我的路, 然而,如果能夠因為瞭解自己的天性, 轉而選擇在順應著天命的體會中發展, 那麼,對於人生中糾結、難解的種種, 才能漸進地在鬆手與緊握間了...

2012-07-19 00:04:53

The Iron Lady

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your characte...

2012-07-19 00:03:15

To Be

成功是給堅持到底的人, 希望是給時刻積極的人, 機會是給準備完全的人, 使命是給願意承擔的人。

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