《中英對照讀新聞》Knock-out name for baby girl 女嬰名字令人印象深刻
Baby Autumn Brown has a name to live up - in fact she has over 25 of them.
The little girl’s mother Maria, in keeping with her boxing-mad family’s bizarre tradition, decided to give her 25 middle names - all culled from the greatest exponents inside the ring.
Her full name, which left register office staff in Perton, Wolverhampton reeling is:Autumn Sullivan Corbett Fitzsimmons Jeffries Hart Burns Johnson Willard Dempsey Tunney Schmeling Sharkey Carnera Baer Braddock Louis Charles Walcott Marciano Patterson Johansson Liston Clay Frazier Foreman Brown.
Maria told the city’s Express and Star:"The whole thing came about because both my mum and dad are obsessed with boxing and have a bit of a daft sense of humour. When I was young I couldn’t ever remember my name. It took me to the age of 10 to memorise it all."
瑪莉亞向當地報紙Express and Star表示,「這整件事的起因是我的父母都很迷拳擊,而且又有瘋狂的幽默感。我小時候也記不住自己的名字,我一直到10歲才能記得全名。」
knock-out:knock out原指拳擊賽中把對手打倒在地,在計數到10以前無法站立,後引申指能擊倒對手的、(口語用法)極有吸引力或令人印象深刻的,可作形容詞或名詞,例句︰His sister’s a real knockout!(他的姊姊真是迷人!)
live up to…:片語,指不負盛名,跟…一樣好,例句︰Did the trip live up to your expectations?(這趟旅行跟你原本的期待一樣美好嗎?)
cull:動詞,指挑出、揀選或剔除,例句︰Here are a few facts and figures I’ve culled from the week’s papers.(這是我從本週報紙中所挑選出來的幾項事實與數據。)cull亦可指(為控制數量或防止疾病擴散而)獵捕、撲殺動物,例句︰The plan to cull large numbers of baby seals has angered environmental groups.(撲殺大量海豹寶寶的計畫,已經激怒了環保組織。)