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2009-03-04 01:07:30| 人氣527| 回應8 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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abandon   放棄

=  quit  =  desert  = give up = cease  = discontinue

=depart  = forsake  = leave

She abandoned herself to despair.


反意: maintain / retain (保持)

如果 堅持(maintain) 可以讓世界更美好,


如果 放棄(abandon) 可以讓成千上萬的人獲益,


願大家     擁抱希望(hope)

                實現夢想  (dream)

不要輕言 放棄(abandon) 自己的 道路(way)






台長: 英檢老師 黃湘
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thanks a lot
2020-03-04 00:26:15
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2020-03-04 00:47:28
دانلود بازار
<a class="postuser" target="_blank" href="https://irandl.me/bazzar/">دانلود بازار</a>
2020-03-04 00:52:18
thanks for choosing this Article.
2020-09-12 04:29:12
Increase Alexa Ranking
So, let me talk about some of the factors, which any blogger can apply and get better Alexa ratings.

If your site have good Alexa website rank, you can always showcase as trust factor and ever advertiser are more likely to trust sites with good Alexa rank. http://pmpr.ir/how-improve-alexa-rank/ The more traffic your website generates, the higher your Alexa rank will be. To manage this and keep your visitors coming back for more, you need to have high quality, unique content.

Update you website regularly so there is always something new to experience on your site. The information should be interesting, relevant to your target market and neither too long or too short -- between 400 and 600 words per article should be good enough. Make use of keywords, but don't use them repetitively as it would be obvious and make a piece less readable.

Get your readers involved in your articles by creating a comment section or a forum. Consider posting a daily poll to make it even more interactive.
2020-11-03 03:25:17
So, let me talk about some of the factors, which any blogger can apply and get better Alexa ratings. http://www.myeasymusic.ir/
2022-09-05 18:46:13
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2023-04-29 21:57:54
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