I used to take photos of plants, but not much now. When I saw the roses in Balboa Park, it kinda reminded me of my high school and college time as well as my friends in Taiwan because yellow rose used to be my favorite . . .
玫瑰花是我在聖地牙哥巴波亞公園的玫瑰園拍的; 其實我以前常拍花, 所以現在對拍植物並不是特別感興趣; 就在回 LA 的傍晚, 到巴波亞公園的仙人掌園與玫瑰園晃晃, 看到黃玫瑰 - 知道我的人大概也知道我喜歡黃色的玫瑰, 想到剛剛跟台灣的朋友們短暫相聚又告別, 大家都在工作, 我還在渡假 (別打我, 我現在也在上班了), 想念大家, 心中不捨, 決定送你們幾朵聖地牙哥的玫瑰。
Balboa Park is located in San Diego, very close to downtown and is right next to the famous San Diego Zoo. After passing through the fountain at the entrance, I proceeded to the Visitor Center, which is located inside the House of Hospitality. Nearby the Visitor Center is an outdoor Speckels Organ Pavilion and there is a scheduled musical concert every Sunday afternoon at 2pm. I had to watch Chien-ming Wang pitch on that day and missed the concert by the time I got there. Oh, well . . .
巴波亞公園在聖地牙哥的市區, 大大的一片, 緊鄰動物園; 公園很大, 聽說有1200畝, 15000棵樹; 我從入口處噴泉開始走先到遊客中心拿地圖之後去戶外管風琴半圓形劇場, 每週日下午有音樂表演, 可是貪看阿民投球, 錯過了表演。

* 遊客中心, 內庭, 有餐廳 / House of Hospitality and its yard
Also by the Visitor Center is the Alcázar Garden , which is modeled after the Reales Alcázares in Sevilla, Spain . I happened to visit Sevilla this May. While I visited Alcázares, I was actually stuck there for a while because of a storm. I stayed inside the palace and did not go out to the garden. However, the garden is HUGE. The whole Reales Alcázares is BIG and ornate; well, it was for the royal family. So I am a little bit disappointed in Balboa. Regardless, it still provides a nice place for urban population to stroll and relax.
也在遊客中心旁的是 Alcazar 花園, 模仿西班牙塞維亞 Reales Alcázares 而造的, 我正好五月去了一趟西班牙, 參觀 Reales Alcázares 宮廷花園時, 還被雨困住了好一會兒。 巴波亞公園的 Alcazar 雖然不錯, 卻小太多了, 不能跟原有的比, 但至少提供了都市人一個色彩繽紛, 可以閒散的花園。
* Garden view from the other side
Moorish style tiles - blue, yellow, bright colors . . .
* Reales Alcázares, Sevilla - bird view; this is the palace part, the garden behind it is much larger
西班牙原版宮廷, 後面的花園更大, 大許多
* A corner of Reales Alcázares, Sevilla, Spain
Other than flowers, there is also a garden for butterflies - Zoro Garden. They even painted the flowers and butterflies on a wall - I guess it’s for education purpose.
除了花園也有蝴蝶園, 牆壁上還畫有三幅在此園常見的花與蝶, 寓教於樂!
* On the left are 2 photos I took - on the right the painting on the wall / 左邊兩張是我拍得, 右邊是他們畫得
*Right: Arch by the Cabrillo Bridge
Left: By the Veteran’s Memorial Garden
After I passed the Cabrillo Bridge , I was amazed to see this:
Americans really love their pets. Inside this area, dogs do not need to be on leash. If you are inside and bit by any dog, you cannot sue the dog owner. Dogs are free to run around here and fight each . . .
走過了Cabrillo Bridge, 到了愛狗人士的天堂, 在這一區裡狗狗不用帶鍊子, 如果在裡面被狗咬, 只能怪自己, 不能告狗主人。美國人真是愛狗呀!
* 這位狗主人好悠閒得閱讀呀!
How relaxing he was!
(to be continued / 待續)
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