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2008-05-04 13:54:32| 人氣187| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Mission Begins! 任務開始 [CA]

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Father Junípero Serra built first mission in San Diego in 1769.Until 1823, there were 21 missions in total in California along El Camino Real – roughly Highway 101 today. Harsh weather and earthquakes certainly don’t help the reservation of the 21 California Missions but most of them are still functioning – church services, weddings and funerals.

西班牙傳教士Father Junípero Serra從1769年起,在聖地牙哥蓋了一座傳道院,之後沿著太平洋北上到Sonoma (舊金山北邊一點) ,一路 興建傳道院,到1823年止,共建了21座;經過兩百多年的風吹日曬雨淋加地震,大致上是保留下來,現在統稱 21 California Missions。

這些傳道院大多沿著今日的101號公路 - Highway 101大致是沿著當初的El Camino Real (英文可翻成The Royal Road - 紀念西班牙皇室的經濟贊助)

I happened to read some travel guide one day and felt like to have a “mission trip.” I started out with Mission San Gabriel nearby LA – if I stay in CA long enough, maybe I will be able to make all missions possible!!!

今日幾乎所有的傳道院都有教堂禮拜、婚禮、或是葬禮,開放時間不一,因為每個傳道院的建築歷史特色都不同,我不知那一天看到旅遊介紹,便想從洛杉磯近郊開始,來一趟任務之旅,如果在加州時間待得夠久,說不定是 Missions Possible 呢!

* tile in San Gabriel - trail

台長: Muriel
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