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2008-01-21 04:18:23| 人氣166| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Torrey Pine / 穿壞我一雙運動涼鞋的加州州立公園 (III)

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* These sandstone layers record a period when the shore migrated back and
forth in response to fluctuating sea level and intermittent uplift. The lowerest portion is the Delmar Formation - a greenish yellow mudstone and siltsonte. Over the Delmar Formation is the Torrey Sandstone
幾百萬年累積成的地質奇觀, 專有名詞太多了, 恕我不翻譯了

* I asked a lady to take a picture of me - got to know that she was from Sweden and was enjoy a 2-week vacation in San Diego . I guess there is just not enough sunlight in north Europe. We have a lot sunlight in Taiwan, so . . .
倒影很美, 注意我手上的涼鞋 . . .
* It was nice to walk on the beach . . .

如果您想到此一遊, 停車費要八美元 ,但是因為入口處有沙灘, 路邊可以停免費, 我星期一去, 人不算多, 所以有位置可停; 然後您再走到遊客中心
If you want to visit the Reserve, there is a parking fee for any car entering ($8); however, this is how you save: because its entrance is next to the beach, I parked by the beach (on the side of road where parking spaces are open) and it was free. I just walked pass by its parking lot and proceeded to visitor center.

走到遊客中心, 說得簡單, 爬坡對我這個缺乏運動的人, 可是大大挑戰
When I say I proceeded to the Visitor Center , it was not as easy as it sounded. Within 0.8 miles, it rises 300 feet, it took me a long while to finally get there . . . good for jogging or biking if you want to . . .
* A view along the way up to the Visiting Center
爬到遊客中心途中, 請人拍得

Visitor Center used to be a lodge, styled after the Hopi Indian house of the Arizona desert. People ate inside as well as at the front terrace. Now it is a small museum - you can ask to view a short video introducing the Reserve.
(open 9am daily)
遊客中心以前是旅館餐廳, 現在是展示館, 有介紹影片, 可以請他們播放
* A visitor service staff said many people like to take pictures here (front terrace) b/c it is one of the best views

Also notice that food/drink is only allowed on the beach, not in the Reserve
(water only), and there is neither picnic nor camping facility.

除了水之外, 保留區內不准飲食 (只能在沙灘上), 這裡的生態很脆弱, 需要我們好好得保護, 收取停車費也是為了控制進出人數; 來的話可不要帶走不屬於您的東西

* This is a very sensitive ecological environment - number of visitors are limited by # of vehicles; visitors are advised to (should) observe the rules. As in all other state and national parks, please remember not to take anything away other than your own trash.

(from Google Earth)

*** Hank Nichol (a writer for the official website) talked about why he thinks Torrey pine is special / Hank Nichol 在官網上提到 Torrey Pine 特別之處的一段話讓我很感動:

It is not the rarest tree in CA, not good lumber, doesn’t make a good fire, nor have the dubious distinction of being endangered. ”The Torrey pines along the sea cliffs suffer from persistent drought. Their roots are growing in poor sand which can hardly be calle ’soil.’ The trees are blasted by storms and cooked in the sun. Some tree dies, but the species lives stubbornly on. Some trees, like some people, develop character during hard times. That’s what I think is special about the Torrey Pine . . . , character!” (www.torreypine.org)

(大致翻譯) 並非它真的稀有, 既不適合當建材, 也不能燃燒, 更沒瀕臨絕種; 它只是生長在懸崖邊, 抓著幾乎不是土壤的沙土(石頭), 忍受’強風炎日與乾旱, 其他樹在此生長環境下可能已死去, Torrey Pine 卻屹力不搖, 固執得活下去, 很有個性 . . .

Character! That’s what I wish I will always have - persistence.
希望我也一直很有個性 . . .

*** 為什麼說我穿壞一雙鞋? 因為涼鞋在沙灘上沾滿了沙, 所以我到洗手間旁的水龍頭, 將鞋與腳沖乾淨, 鞋碰水就開口笑了 :(

可憐它伴我數年, 落的如此下場 . . . 下次要穿有包腳趾的運動鞋 . . .

* for your reference
(Note: info taken from brochures and website - www.torreypine.org)

* If you don’t read Chinese but would like to give me a comment, please type in the box below and click the icon that reads “PChome.” Many thanks.

台長: Muriel
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此分類下一篇:Balboa Park / 來自巴波亞公園的祝福 (I)
此分類上一篇:Torrey Pine / 穿壞我一雙運動涼鞋的加州州立公園 (II)

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