塞維亞人 (或說大部分的西班牙人) 都很友善; 每次我想拍他們, 都會先舉起相機說 ‘foto,” 大多數的人都很樂意, 只有一個在馬德里的媽媽跟我說 No. 大概首都的觀光客太多了, 所以當媽媽的總是比較小心。
Most Sevilla residents (or most Spanish people, I’d say) are very friendly. Every time I wanted to take a photo, I always said, “foto” and most of them would agree. The only time someone said no to me was in Madrid when a mother refused to let me take a photo of her baby – I guess there are way too many tourists in Capital and she was just cautious.
我碰到第一個很友善的人, 是在坐高鐵從馬德里到塞維亞的路上: 我的座位是在走道東邊, 但不靠窗; 所以一看到斜對邊位置空出來, 便溜到靠窗的座位, 拿起相機不管三七二十一的就對著窗外一直拍,
沒多久就看到一位男士, 看他的表情就知道我佔了他的座位, 他說, 沒關係, 我坐靠走道就好。
I met the first nice person on the high-speed train from Madrid to Sevilla. I was assigned an isle seat. Just when I was disappointed that I didn’t get a window seat so that I could do sight-seeing and take pictures, I saw the seats were empty across the isle. I moved to the window seat and had my camera ready when I saw a gentlemen walk in. His expression told me that I took his seat. He said, that’s all right, I’ll take the isle seat (but he used Spanish, of course and I just nodded).
坐了一個多小時到 Cordoba, 上來一批人, 其中一個女生畫的位, 就是這位男士正坐著的走道; 他告訴她說這個小女生是觀光客, 讓他看窗外的景色吧! 可是這個女生說, 我如果坐別人的位置, 等一下換我被趕; 聽得好像快吵起來(Ok, 我根本不會西班牙語, 不過我猜這是他們的對話) 。
After an hour and a half, we arrived at Cordoba. A lady walked up to us, and this gentleman asked whether if she’d let me have the window seat. She refused because more people were coming on the train and they would ask her to leave. It’s better we all stayed with our assigned seats.
所以瓜呆我趕快回到原本的走道位, 這位男士拿回了屬於他的窗位; 果然沒多久, 就上來一批亞洲人, 其中一個坐在這位男士的旁邊; 這位帥哥耳聽著這些東方人嘰哩瓜啦的, 他手稱著下巴, 對外沉思, 可能他心裡有點無奈吧 - “剛剛那安靜的小女生比較可愛!”
真是感謝這位紳士的體貼舉動, 我已經對這個國家有好感了!
So I returned to my isle seat and the gentleman got his window seat back. WIthin a few minutes, a group of Asians got on the train; one of them sat by the gentleman, who, at the point, looked outside. It’s hard to interpret his emotion, but I bet he was thinking, “Those people were so noisy, that camera girl was much better a company.” I really appreciated his thoughtfulness so that I could take some photos along the way to Sevilla and not felt bored – I just got off airplane but did not want to waste my time sleeping.
I felt good about this country already ^_^

到了塞維亞的火車站, 要坐計程車到飯店, 就見這運將開進了狹窄的巷道, 只容單車單向通行, 行人走道僅約一人寬, 所以不能太胖, 加上兩邊的建築都三四層樓高, 巷弄更顯狹小。
When we arrived at Sevilla Train Station, we took a taxi to Hotel Fernando III. Driver got into a very narrow street that only allowed one car to proceed in one direction. The pedestrian is only a person’s width so you have to keep your shape if you want to visit or stay in Sevilla. The buildings on both sides were 3 to 4 stories high, which made the street appear even narrower.
* When we showed him the hotel name and address, he even taught us how to pronounce it in Spanish.
我發出‘哇’的讚嘆聲, 司機笑了笑, 便把速度放慢讓我拍照; 經過叉路時, 還停了一下; 我想他一定常常載德州理工大學的學生來這個飯店, 見怪不怪了 (唉, 這些德州佬!) 還跟飯店服務生很熟了!
I unconsciously made a WOW sound and the driver laughed. He slowed down so that I could take a picture; when we passed an intersection, he even paused. I bet he must have taken many TTU students to the Hotel and has been used to our reactions.
* 走到德州理工大學塞維亞分部的路上拍得; 看得好專注呀!
On the way walking to TTU Sevilla Center from Hotel, I saw a man who was so concentrating on reading.
我們第一天住飯店, 第二天就到寄宿家庭; 我們住三樓 (但標示為二樓) , 樓下一出去, 對街就是這家雜貨店; 老闆看到我是東方人, 就開始“你好你好 (請想像西班牙腔的中文)”
幾乎每天早上都會跟他打招呼 – 上圖稍亮可看雜貨店賣什麼, 不過我們從沒跟他買過東西。
I stayed at the Hotel the first night and the next morning, our house mom, Trudi, picked us up. We would stay in her apt on 3rd floor (although labeled on the elevator as 2nd). When we walked out of apt building, we could see the grocery store just across the street. The owner saw me as an Asian and started to say “Ni-how, ni-how (meaning how are you in Chinese).”
The upper photo was edited to appear over-exposed so that you could see the items inside the store). We saw him almost every morning, yet never bought anything from him.

在公車也會碰到和善的塞維亞人。這位阿伯看到我的相機, 馬上就知道我是超級觀光團, 他警告我要好好看住相機, 不要被偷了; 他用西班牙語說, 我們根據他的肢體語言自動翻譯成英文。
(在此警告要去西班牙的人: 暴力犯罪的事件很少, 不過小偷搶劫很常見, 請小心)
You could also meet nice Sevilla people on bus. This“Uncle Bus (I called him)”saw my camera and knew right away that I was super tourist. He warned me to keep a good eye on my camera; people here do steal things. He used Spanish, and we, according to his body language, automatically translated it into English.
Warning: we have been warned that although violence is rare in Sevilla, you do have to be aware of your belongings. They know how to corner you and steal things.
* 羞澀的店員, 正在小心地包我買的小紀念品。
Shy clerk, who was wrapping carefully the little souvenirs that I just bought.
* 有時候他們看到我有相機, 會主動要求拍照。這位女士只是跟我擦肩而過, 便問我可不可以幫她拍一張; 從旁邊的窗可以看到她的朋友在等她; 拍完, 她就很高興得走了。
Sometimes they didn’t even wait until you ask. This lady just walked by me and asked whether I could take a picture of her. Sure, why not? I did and then she just left, happily. From the window glass on the right side of the photo, you can see her friend waiting for her.
* 這三個也是在戶外人行道上吃晚餐, 看到我跟美女學妹走過, 又要我拍一張, 還要跟美女學妹也拍一張; 然後我們走了, 他們繼續狂歡。
我想他們是非常享受當下的人, 有那一剎那得歡笑就夠了, 並不一定要跟我要照片, 很灑脫!
And these three guys, enjoying their dinner on the side walk outside a dinner, saw me (and my camera, obviously) and asked for a photo, too. They even asked to take one with my beautiful schoolmate Amby. Then we left, and they continued their dinner. I guess they just really enjoyed the moment, a moment of joy – no need to get a copy of the photo.

這家街頭小販一大早都在這兒賣東西, 我經過了好多次, 終於在快離開之前的一個早晨, 我停下腳步; 老闆說拍一次要15元, 我作勢要走, 他又說5元, 然後笑著說, 不用啦! 可以拍。 我拍完他賣的產品, 正好有一位常客經過, 我還問說要不要請他幫我們合拍 一張; 真是幽默又友善。
現在你知道他們賣的是啥了吧! 蝸牛!
I passed by this street vendor several times and finally I stopped and talked to them one morning. The owner said it’d be 15 Euros if I wanted to take a photo. I pretended that I was leaving and he changed to 5 Euros right away. Then he smiled and said, of course you could take pictures. I took a photo of what he sold, and a regular customer happened to pass by. I proposed to ask him to take a picture of us all. What interesting and friendly persons!
Do you know what he sold? Snails. Do you dare to eat them?
(More about Sevilla to come)
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