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2008-01-26 08:17:06| 人氣300| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Ranger Station at Griffith Park / 洛杉磯後花園的林業站

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有人說它是洛杉磯的後花園, 有人把在此看的夜景比擬陽明山, 它就是葛瑞斯公園 (Griffith Park)。
Some describe it as the back yard of the city of LA – it is Griffith Park , which is said to be the largest urband park and is 5 times of NY Central Park.
聽說是最大的市內公園, 紐約中央公園的5倍!

* 林業站標示

因為在洛杉磯的實習再過幾個月就結束了, 想好好把握機會, 四處走走, 又想爬爬山減重, 就找個不用上班的星期二到葛瑞斯公園晃晃。
Because my internship at the Getty will end in May so I want to visit places around this area as much as I can. Not having to work last Tuesday, I decided to visit the LA back yard.

* Information Desk

因為是第一次, 所以我先到林業站, 有位護林員很有耐心地跟我強力推薦天文台 (打算下次去)。
Because this was my first time visiting, I went to the headquarter – Ranger Station. One ranger was very patient and strongly recommended me to visit Observatory, which I will do next time.

我在網路上查到說 Sierra Club每星期二、三、四會有人領隊登山, 七點見, 這位護林員幫我打電話去問, 確實有這回事, 在 Merry-go-round 的停車場見面, 逾時不候, 可是她文書夾上的資料是印說在 Travel Town 碰面, 所以她請另一個護林員再打一次電話確定地點, 真是熱心。
I always do my homework before I visit any places, and this time was no exception. On the internet, it says that Sierra Club meet hikers every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and they will lead people for a night hike. I tried to confirm with a ranger; she called to verify it and said they meet at Merry-go-round. However, the flyer in her binder read “meeting in Travel Town.”She asked another ranger to call again so that I wouldn’t wait in the wrong place. They were so, very nice.

* Ranger Station is cozy. There is a park model, stuffed animal specimen, and information to other facilities in the park
小小的林業站裡面有個公園模型, 可以按燈找地點, 有一些這兒常見的動物標本, 一些對公園有貢獻的人的介紹, 以及園內其他設施的地圖及資訊。 登山圖做的很美呢!

* 林業站外的牆壁裝

* The wall outside the Station

* 我跟第二個護林員閒聊, 他的名字是 Floyd; 他告訴我他上星期天才去 Chantry Flats, 是在 Craig List (網路)上與一群不相識的人相約, 玩得盡興, 他們兩星期後要再去爬一次山, 問我有沒有興趣; 我想如果有空的話, 去爬爬不同的山, 也不錯。
I talked to a ranger called Floyd. He mentioned that he just went hiking with a group of people from the Craig List. They had a good time and planned to hike again two weeks from now. He even asked whether I’d be interested to go with them. If I have time, I think I will, actually. I didn’t realize that so many people enjoy hiking and do hiking regularly.

我接下來去公園內的一間博物館 - Autry Museum, 還去爬爬山 (說真的, 去了不爬山, 去幹嘛); 等下篇在詳細介紹
And then I went to Autry Museum on the north side of Griffith Park and some hiking - coming soon.

* If you don’t read Chinese but would like to give me a comment, please type in the box below and click the icon that reads “PChome.” Many thanks.

台長: Muriel
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