
4/9晚上和老友雲&珍聚餐(with my friends Ann and Jane) Joey had a hot pot with seafood. After that, we had fruit & flower tea.雲 有沒有看到珍的表情說: 你再繼續講電話 就不理你了
Joey吃海鮮火鍋 我吃粥 我的粥有附花生 我用衛生紙包起來 打算帶回去再慢慢享用 最後竟忘了

4/9同晚拍的 (pictures taken at the same restaurant) Joey was having kiwi fruit juice. He said it was very tasty and that's why he didn't share it with me.
這已經不知是我們回台後 吃的第幾家餐廳了 這次回台超幸福 到處吃吃喝喝 享受美食 Joey說:怎麼到哪兒 都有人餵食?

這是我大嫂的二哥其全家福 下面一張是我硬插花的(My sister-in-law's brother and his family. Sherry joined them in the last picture.)
4/12送茶來 二哥是我們茶葉的主供應商 從前常去他們埔里茶園玩 多年來老妹一家人喝的茶 都是靠他供應(他都只收成本價還親自送貨) 而我 多是靠老妹供應
He's the one who supplies us tea. He is so honest that he can never make money but he has a nice wife and two cute kids.

My sister and her husband Ben took my mom and us to Taichung Metropolitan Park. Our first time there.

We did a lot of exercise there. Joey was relaxing on the seat outside the restaurant.

繞完一圈 吃過午餐 再散散步...老媽是唯一不動如山的 因為她說她走不動
After lunch, we still took a walk in the park. Nice weather!
4/13姪女放學後去上游泳課 她才游半年 就從胖妞變成苗條美女啦
My sister's daughter was having her swimming class in cold water. Swimming helps lose her weight a lot!
4/12 Joey喝啤酒喝到爽 於是自告奮勇準備晚餐 除了這鍋炸雞(ㄟ...歹勢 想到拍照時 已吃掉大半) 他還將剩油弄成醬汁配上碎洋蔥拌飯 還不錯吃 不過 對照右邊老妹於4/13煮的牛肉麵 就相差甚遠 老妹的牛肉麵 真的可以去外賣了
Joey made fried chicken for dinner and used the rest of the oil to make gravy with minced onion to go with rice. Very good. (有人下廚 都要說好)
The next day, my sister cooked beef noodles for dinner. That's even better!
4/14老妹的兒子在Joey的愛心攻勢下 勉強彈奏一曲(老妹說他不彈吉他 已經很久啦) 對了 當天早上妹婿Ben還帶我們去科博館 據查 沒星期三早上10點以前免門票 從前去過 因此我們沒有全逛 也沒拍照 不過發現恐龍館有更新多了一對栩栩如生的母子恐龍 會動還會叫喔 等差不多是跟Ben約定的碰面時間 我們就到外面的草坪找他 他也練夠氣功了 他要我也趁機練練好久沒練得自發功 我原不想(因為都會轉很久) 可是我的身體偏偏還是轉了起來 有發現多次被引到草坪邊的鐵蓋旁打轉 想說莫非我欠鐵 Ben卻說那是下水道的蓋子 我應該是欠水才對
My sister's son is playing the guitar for his uncle Joey. By the way, on 4/14 Ben also took us to National Museum of Natural Science. We've been there before, so we didn't go to the Life Science Hall, Chinese Science Hall and Global Environment Hall, neither the Space Theater and Science Center. We did go to the Dinosaur Museum and the Botanical Garden again. Sorry, we didn't take any picture there.

4/15我們搭高鐵到台南找大哥健診去 因搭錯車(搭到直達車 聽說車號1開頭的是直達車) 坐過頭到了左營再搭車回頭 回到台南 大嫂已等候多時了 我們直接去大哥的診所 左邊照片顯示妹婿在勸架 要某人別再跟老婆吵架了 可是他越勸 我們越吵(在診所裡不好大聲吵 只能搞冷戰) 直到要吃中飯了 才宣告休兵 大哥請客 吃泰國料理去也
大嫂說 整修中的新診所有三樓 一樓當診所二樓曾有美髮業者很有興趣承租 可是老哥告訴對方說二樓不行 那是要留給他老妹的 哎喲老哥 有人要承租就出租啦 我們若真能回台 也不是一下子就可回去 有房子要打理 東西要整理 銀行作業要轉移 還有很多手續要辦理沒那麼快啦 還是租出去 先賺租金要緊 其實我們回台的住處還不少 也有朋友可提供平房小屋居住 說有其他一樓的房間也隨時有空房 甚至連妹婿都說可以把他們老家二林的地分給Joey去栽種...怎麼我們會這麼受歡迎呢 可惜 三心二意的Joey仍搖擺不定咧
On 4/15, we took the high speed rail to Tainan to see my older brother. Ben was talking to Joey in my brother's clinic. After the health checkups there, my brother treated us with Thai food for lunch. As usual, Joey wanted Taiwan beer.