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4/16~4/19 in Taiwan

 老妹他們夫妻倆於4/15當天就回台中  而我跟Joey則留宿台南老哥家 照片中的人物是老哥的兒子(兩個姊姊在台北的學校沒空回來) 大哥 大嫂  Joey怕爬樓梯 因此我們都睡在為老媽保留的一樓套房  這些都是4/17老哥家拍的   那期間 大嫂極力網羅台南名產犒賞我們的胃

At my brother's home with his son (their daughters were busy at school in Taipei and couldn't come back) and his wife, my dear sister-in-law.

/17大嫂送大哥去診所後 載我們去台南文資中心附近的一家餐廳享用早餐(我吃可麗餅 Joey吃三明治 他說他的三明治很好吃) 然後野放我們就近參觀孔廟 文資中心和延平郡王祠  上圖是文化館內Joey一張張接拍的 其實我們相機有廣角拍攝功能 他不會用  下圖是延平郡王祠的景觀  我們碰到好多搭遊覽車前來的大陸遊客  仔細看中間那棵樹 會到處長腳蔓延喔

We had a nice breakfast with soft music around in a restaurant.  Then we walked around nearby to Tainan Confucius Temple, the Center for Preservation of Cultural Properties and Koxinga Shrine.  We didn't take any picture in Confucius Temple.  Look at the tree in the middle closely; it can spread its legs high and low all over the place!

老哥下班後 載我們直奔山區 去山上吃飯賞景  他們以前來過 感覺這個地方不錯 說值得我們回來時帶我們去 就真的如願以償啦  我吃的是可樂餅配藍莓汁  Joey吃火鍋配飯加芒果汁  老哥點的芒果啤酒也很特別  吃完回去睡個覺 晚上又去吃Joey最愛的海鮮大餐  接著就去海邊散步 幫助消化

After working half day, my brother took us to eat in a restaurant in the mountains with a nice view to look down the valley.  Joey had mango juice.  The mango beer they had was quite special, too.  We also had a table full of seafood for dinner.  The restaurant had seafood on display for Joey to choose before cooking.  I guess he had more seafood here at a time than one year in the U.S.  We had to go for a walk around the harbor after dinner to help digest the food.

4/18朋友Sarita到台南來接我們南下去遊墾丁  這是首站恆春鎮的觀光區 我們不只找到城內4個城門 還在裡面繞了不少路 途中看到不少遊客找尋電影海角七號的拍攝場景  我們因為沒看過電影 沒啥特別感情 因此只觀看沒拍照  拍這些照就有夠辛苦了 因為地圖是在找齊所有城門之後才看到的這才發現我們走了不少冤枉路...當它是運動啦   午餐我吃餛飩 Joey吃陽春麵 他說陽春麵比較好吃

On 4/18, my friend Sarita came to Tainan to pick us up and then we started our southern Taiwan trip to Kenting together.  This was our first stop in an old city in Hengchun.   It took us quite some time to find all the 4 city gates.  We had noodles and tasty cold drink for late lunch there.

Sarita還帶我們去關山看日落  可惜陰天多雲 我們在觀景台上等候半天 欣賞不到  Joey倒是在底下樹海裡發現一隻在睡覺的松鼠  我們在上面享受大嫂為我們準備的水果後 就準備找住宿點啦  雖然大哥大嫂給了充裕的錢住頂級旅館(大嫂推薦夏都) 進去問過價錢之後 還是決定將錢省下來(省下來的錢就飽入私囊啦) 改住民舍  我們發現大多旅館都有雇請外傭 還會出來幫忙拉客咧  找妥歇腳處後 我和Sarita到鬧區逛街 買了小米酒和烤魷魚回來邊吃邊聊(Joey已經睡了)

Sarita took us to wait for the sunset in Guanshan.  It was cloudy and we couldn't see the famous sunset there.  Joey found a quarrel sleeping in the tree sea anyway.  It was about the end of the day.  During the night, Sarita and I went out walking around the shops and got some barbequed squid and wine back to eat and talk till midnight while Joey was sleeping.

帆船石(又稱尼克森石 Joey真的有看出像尼克森的頭)是我們住的民宿前的景觀  我們撿了不少貝殼  這是隔天清晨4/19離開旅社前拍的  繼續順著沿岸走 下面是貝殼館前的留影 

The next morning, before we left the hotel, we took some pictures around.  The big rock is called Sail Rock (or Nixon Rock).  We found a lot of seashells on the seashore.  Joey even made a coral necklace on the spot.  The bottom pictures were taken near the seashell display house. 

  上圖是屬於鵝鑾鼻吧  沿途有經過鵝鑾鼻燈塔 沒停留 繼續駛向佳樂水

從前去過佳樂水 可是不曾搭車進到裡頭  不知沿岸有不少的奇形怪石 有犀牛石 觀音石 處女石 蝸牛石 青蛙石 臥豬石 軍艦石 兔石 雄陽石及恐龍石 因跟目錄上的圖案一樣就沒拍照  裡面還有不少蜂窩石

The top pictures were taken on the way to Jialushuei.  It should be Eluanbi.  We also passed the Eluanbi Lighthouse.   The bottom places are in Jialuoshuei (original meaning is waterfall), full of oddly shaped rocks carved by strong winds and roaring waves, including rock chessboards, rock marbles, rock potholes and honeycomb rock.  Along the seashore, we saw the rhino rock, guanyin stone rock, virgin rock, snail rock, frog-shaped rock, laying pig rock, great frigate rock, toadstone, lion rock, rabbit rock, male rock and dinosaur rock.

Joey忙得到處尋寶  這時都沒有身體疼痛的問題

Joey walked around everywhere looking for something just like a kid between the honeycomb rocks.

上圖仍是佳樂水 下圖是回程 經過來時路的墾丁沙灘  拍幾張觀光區的陽光沙灘留念  光這樣 Joey就曬成大隻龍蝦了 中間那張是佳樂水一個涼亭上的鳥窩母鳥正在餵食小鳥   有沒有看到我揹的拼布包那是我老妹親手做的 路上曾有遊客稱讚這包包好漂亮 害我忍不住進一步秀出老妹上回送我的拼布錢包  嘿嘿 讓人家羨慕得不得耶

Top pictures were still in Jialuoshuei. The middle picture shows a mother bird feeding her babies.  The bottom pictures were taken on the way back.  We took the same road we came.  The sun felt very warm, so we only stayed at the sunny beach in Kenting for awhile.  Still it turned Joey into a big lobster.  By the way, the bag I carried around was made by my sister.



台長: Sherry
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