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4/19~4/24 in Taiwan

 4/19接著 仍是回程的路上  這是社頂自然公園內的景觀  我們穿洞鑽穴 爬上爬下 才完成這趟行程  Sarita說她不記得多年前來時得這麼辛苦  不過 Joey都熬得過了 我也沒話說  何況空氣清新 景色優美 值得啦

Joey took the pictures of us on the mountain top, in the crevice in Sheding Nature Park.

第一張仍是社頂自然公園內的一個洞穴  再來雜草和石頭及兩位遊客(在下我跟老友)都是Joey拍的   他說草堆裡有蜥蜴 岩石右方隙縫是我們擠身而出的出口  下面兩張是結束墾丁行的最後一瞥  車子是Joey開的 因為第一天在關山沒觀到日落 既然回程出現日落 我就於疾駛中的車內拍它兩張留念   對了 Sarita, Joey說要再次感謝你帶我們去旅遊 請原諒他旅途中種種令人不爽的言談舉止吧

Joey took the pictures of a crevice, plants, rocks and 2 visitors, us.  According to Joey, there was a lizard in the plants.  And the rock picture shows the narrow crevice to the right of the middle rock where we squeezed out of the tunnel like cave.   The last 2 pictures were supposed to show the end of the trip.   Since we didn't see the sunset in Guanshan, I caught the unexpected sunset to complete this trip while Joey was driving by.

屏東墾丁行本應於上一張4/19晚結束  誰知回程路上一通問候電話(這並非我習性 只是突然一個念頭 想到當時是相距最近的時候 不問候 下次將不知是什麼時候) 就被召喚到多年不見的友人之家 甚至還被熱情留宿一晚  首次見識到Joey大唱卡啦ok非凡能力 歡唱到隔天凌晨...

其實這位事業有成的大哥平常跟我老哥和老妹有聯繫跟我沒啥聯絡 他是我們家多年前的房客 為人慷慨熱忱 夫妻倆都極為好客 讓我們有備受尊寵之感   儘管多年不見 不但請我們吃豐盛的晚餐(包括萬巒豬腳 筍子 炒檳榔心等名產) 在他們家 還招待各式水果及他們自製的花茶花酒 木瓜牛奶...太幸福啦

隔天4/20早上送行前 還帶我們參觀他們的石材切割廠挺好玩  接著還去六堆客家文化園區喝咖啡然後怕我們回途會肚子餓 又去飽食一頓才送我們上路

The trip to southern Taiwan should be ended as in last picture.  A phone call to an old friend to say hello brought us to his home with any kind of treats.  We were even kept to stay overnight and had an unforgettable great time together.  I don't remember all the great dishes in the restaurant but the pig feet, bamboo shoots and beetle nut shoots might be interesting to Americans.  At their home, we also had many kinds of fruit, flower tea, flower wine and papaya milk made by themselves.   Joey was so entertained and he sang a few songs.  Next day, we went visit their factory nearby and then went to Liudui Hakka Cultural Park to see some artwork and have some coffee.  This ended our trip in southern Taiwan.

很奇怪 朋友住家的狗頗兇 看到陌生人就會狂吠可是看到Joey竟然毫無聲息 甚至會主動靠近  4/24照片中這隻小黑讓他按摩最多  另外兩隻被綁住了  再來是更早時(4/22)跟吳姊和張姊在素食館的合照  吳姊從事慈濟的慈善工作多年 現已改吃素   他們都是百忙找出時間或取消原有約會來跟我聚餐的   這是Joey在台期間光顧的第二家素食店  有鑒於第一次的不快 這次有事先告知 還是免不了聽他唉唉叫  去第一家素食店時我故意不預告 想說他不見得吃的出來  誰知他一拿到菜單 就猛找肉食 等發現是素食店 就怪我沒事先告知好讓他有心理準備  不過事後證明 吃素並沒他想像中糟很多東西也是好吃得不得了  像他原本認為美國有意大利麵何須跑來台灣吃  我要他嚐嚐看有啥不同結果他一吃就愛上 說醬料很特別 於是添更多  甚至兩家素食店的咖啡 也都讓他驚豔得很 讚不絕口咧

At my friend's (we stayed there for 4 nights), the dogs seemed to enjoy Joey's attention a lot.   And in this vegetarian restaurant, Joey enjoyed the spaghettis and the oyster mushroom very much.   He even loved the coffee there.  This was the second time he ate in the vegetarian restaurant, not as bad as he thought at all.  These are my friends Wu and Chang, whom I didn't have the chance to see last time when I came back alone to Taiwan for 5 months.  Wu's been working for the charity for many years.  They canceled their original arrangements to meet me.

4/24老友雲載珍 輝夫妻及我們去山上的果園餐廳用餐  他們各個是歌唱高手 看他們唱得多陶醉 ...跟對面的團拼了

My friends Ann, Jane and her husband took us to eat in the orchard restaurant in the mountains.

有吃有喝 有歌可聽 有景可賞  老友歡聚閒聊 好不暢快

In the picture, Joey was having Taiwan beer again.  We ate, we drank, and we talked and sang besides the pond.

接著還去遊廟宇 道場和教堂 左邊這尊是地藏王  這些建築都蓋在附近 所謂的五敎合一是也  相機讓Joey去拍 他竟只拍這幾張

After lunch, we went to do some sightseeing around the temple, the shrine and a church...these buildings were all built nearby around.  The temples and the church looked so grand and I didn't know Joey only took these pictures there.

其實左上角的菠羅蜜樹是4/24跟上一張同地方拍的  要放大看才可看出樹上結實累累的果實  放在此 可跟右下角4/25拍的做個比較  一顆碩果就這樣枝幹隨便冒出來 也是奇觀  其他仍是4/24接續的行程 這是我們享用咖啡 品嚐蛋糕的店外景觀  看雲點的咖啡 杯子大得多誇張 一定要跟她乾杯啦  對了 喝完咖啡 我還拿鼻子去跟店門的玻璃比硬 結果比輸了 於是去賞荷撫慰受創的身心靈

Then we went to this coffee shop with many kinds of colorful flowers around. See my friend Ann's huge coffee cup?  The fruit trees were taken in different places.  See how the tree bears a fruit on the trunk at random?  They call this fruit the queen of the fruit (jackfruit).  At my friend's, we had the king of the fruit (durian).


台長: Sherry
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