4/23~4/26 都跟老媽待在霧峰友人住處 看著昔日同事老友的小孩都長大囉 朋友姐弟都比鄰而居 看著小孩一起長大 也很不錯
During the stay at my friend's (4/23~4/26), we almost ate out every day. My friend and her siblings' houses were all nearby and their kids grew up together. In the pictures are my mom, my friend's mom, my friends (we used to work together) and their kids.

4/26舊同事兼老友帶我們出遊 這裡是埔里的牛相觸庭園餐坊裡面有工藝擺設 庭園造景 而餐廳裡的東坡肉更是讓人回味流連
On 4/26, my friend's brother and his wife (we used to work together, too) took us out for more sightseeing with their friends. This was the place we had lunch. The meal there was also quite tasty.

我老媽背後的山景可看到很多纜車跨山而去可惜照片沒顯現出來 據說山的那頭是九族文化村 當天大陸團的遊客很多 我們沒興致排隊搭纜車 不過老友說 若要搭纜車 最好是從九族那邊搭過來 可悠遊此潭再回頭 若從這邊過去 就沒包含九族那邊的遊程 我們隨興逛逛 並欣賞原住民隨著樂曲舞蹈 感覺也不錯
After lunch, we went to the famous Sun Moon Lake. The mountain behind my mom we could see a lot of cable cars climbing over the mountain to the other side. Too bad the picture didn't show. As too many people in the waiting line, we didn't take any. We just walked around and watched some aborigines dancing to the music.

當晚 老弟全家加入我們遊潭後的聚餐
During dinner time, my younger brother took his wife and 2 kids to join us at the restaurant.

老弟原本期待我們4/26當晚回老家 因此特別去釣蝦準備供我們配酒享用沒想到我們仍與友人續攤晚餐 由於大家都認識因此也召喚他們全家同來聚餐 於是老弟將他釣的蝦帶來請廚師烹調 看 那些活像小龍蝦的大蝦子
The big shrimps were caught by my brother and the cook of the restaurant prepared them in 2 different ways. According to Joey's description, some of the shrimps were as big as bananas. Yummy!

飽餐之餘 還是要唱歌助興 Joey也忍不住加入陣容 底下我老弟的兒子在看他老爸表演 很是有趣
Some friend's friends kept joining us and they sang songs one by one, including Joey. In the bottom picture, my brother's son was looking at his dad. He seemed to wonder what performance his dad was putting on.

大致散會後 兩小子也忍不住拿起麥克風高唱兒歌 看他們的表情多可愛
After most of the people left, the 2 kids couldn't help trying to sing as well. Look at their cute expressions!

4/27 中午 老弟夫妻倆 載著兒子 老媽和我們去享用讓你吃到飽的火鍋大餐 除了各式火鍋料 還有沙拉 水果 冰品及各種湯頭 包子和各類中餐菜色包子 餃子 手捲 甚至一堆甜點 飲料和冰淇淋等 也是應有盡有 圖中 老弟的皮妹終於肯跟uncle Joey親近了 這是她在我們待台的最後一天早上上學前拍的 接下來就是老媽 老妹和剛放學回來的姪女到車站送行的照片 我們搭的是晚上11點多的班機離台 感謝在台期間各位親友的熱忱款待 下次再見囉
On 4/28 morning at my mom's before my niece went to school, she finally could get closer to her uncle Joey and had these pictures taken. Oh, on 4/27, my younger brother took his wife, his son, Mom and us to a restaurant to have hot pot with everything you could eat there for lunch. Again, we ate a lot. I even tried many kinds of cake for dessert with my coffee and then ice cream! On 4/28 morning, my sister-in-law (Emily) brought us back to my sister's as all our luggage were still there. On 4/28 night, my mom, my sister and her daughter came see us off when we were waiting for the bus to the airport. Well, it ended the trip back to Taiwan. Good bye to everyone. Thank you all!
Also my sister Betsy, we thank you and Frank for taking us to the airport and coming to take us home when we were back in Minnesota! You completed our wonderful trip! Love, Sherry & Joey.
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