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【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》 My three moms: Dolphin calf being nursed

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《中英對照讀新聞》 My three moms: Dolphin calf being nursed by 3 females at Baltimore aquarium 三娘育子:3隻母海豚哺育巴爾的摩水族館的幼海豚


A two-month old dolphin calf at the National Aquarium is being nursed by three females, the aquarium announced.


While it is known that female bottlenose dolphins can spontaneously produce milk if a calf is present, the practice is not well documented and aquarium staff are carefully watching the process.


The unnamed calf was born to a dolphin named Jade, who is being helped in her nursing duties by the mother-daughter team of Chesapeake and Shiloh , the aquarium said.


The three-foot-90-centimeter-long, 36-pound16.33-kilogramcalf is nursing regularly, swimming more on its own and has begun to interact with the trainers and toys, the aquarium said.

館方說,這隻3呎(90公分 )長、36磅 (16.33公斤 )重的幼海豚固定喝奶,逐漸自己游泳,並已開始與訓練人員和玩具互動。

Dolphin calves are fragile and not easily handled during their first two to three months of life, and trainers at the aquarium are leaving the nursing duties to its mother and her helpers.



calf:名詞,小牛,或其他年幼的哺乳動物,如象、鯨,複數為calves。類似字彙cub,名詞,特定肉食性動物如熊、狼或獅的幼獸。例句:My brother is a fan of Chicago Cubs.(我老弟是美國職棒大聯盟芝加哥小熊隊的球迷。)

onone’sown:片語,靠自己;不接受幫助或控制。例句:I can’t help you anymore; from now on, you’re on your own.(我不能再幫你了;從現在開始,你自己看著辦吧。)





台長: 落葉之楓

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