《中英對照讀新聞》 Scientists develop bendy circuit boards 科學家開發出可彎式電路板
US scientists have developed flexible silicon circuit boards, which they claim will pave the way to wearable computers and other biomedical devices.
The boards are created from "nanoribbons", ultra-thin sheets of silicon bonded to sheets of rubber. The sheets are so thin that a complete circuit is just one and a half microns thick, hundreds of times thinner than conventional silicon circuits found in PCs.
"The notion that silicon cannot be used in such applications because it is intrinsically brittle and rigid has been tossed out the window," says John Rogers, a founder professor of materials science and engineering at the University of Illinois.
"Through carefully optimized mechanical layouts and structural configurations, we can use silicon in integrated circuits that are fully foldable and stretchable."
While bendable electronics have been seen before, those breakthroughs depended on organic semiconductor materials, which made them too slow to be used in complex computing tasks. However, as the method employed by Rogers utilises traditional silicon, he claims they’re capable of similar performance to solid wafers.
pave the way for someone/something:片語,為…做好準備,以便日後更有可能發生。例句:His study could pave the way for new lung cancer treatments.(他的研究可能有助於研發新的肺癌療法。)
be tossed out the window:直譯是「被丟出窗外」,引申為「被淘汰、推翻」的意思。