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【在生活中學習語言】〈 職人英語通〉異想天開 Ask for the moon!

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〈 職人英語通〉異想天開 Ask for the moon!


文/Dr.J.J. 圖/老唐


然而,事情哪有怎麼簡單?不管你怎麼想,怎麼盼,月亮總是高高掛在天上。所以如果要形容某人根本就是「異想天開」或者是「癡人說夢」,就可以說這人是”ask for the moon!”了。

Manager:Please make yourself useful! You’re all doing nothing but chatting on MSN now.


Employee A:But we’ve done everything we should. This is just a low season and there’s nothing we can do about it.

Employee A:可是我們該做的都已經做了啊。現在正值淡季,我們也沒辦法。

Employee B:True, in fact, I heard some companies even grant their staff paid leave during low seasons.

Employee B:是啊,事實上我還聽說某些公司甚至在淡季時給員工們有薪假呢。

Manager:So you’re telling me we should just sit and wait here for someone to knock on our door with business?


Employee C:Well, we should always be positive! Things happen when you believe!

Employee C:唉呦,我們應該要正面思考!只要相信,事情就真的會發生!

Manager:Nonsense! I don’t need you to tell me about life. Let me just be straight forward in case you don’t know what’s around the corner. You’re talking about asking for a pay raise this year right?


All employees:Yes, we should get a salary review every year.

All employees:是啊,我們應該每年有一次薪資調整的。

Manager:Without revenue increase and our profit margin shrinking now, you’re asking for the moon! I suggest you start thinking really hard on how we should get more business in!




台長: 落葉之楓

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