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【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Man arrested after excessive horn blowing

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【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Man arrested after excessive horn blowing男子因亂按喇叭而遭逮捕

Sometimes, blowing your own horn is too much of a good thing. Glens Falls police said an upstate New York driver who was stopped for blowing his vehicle’s horn excessively was charged with driving while intoxicated.


Glens Falls police said Rodney Northey told them he was blowing his horn on a downtown street dotted with bars to let "people know he was in town."


Officers on duty noticed, pulled Northey over and found his blood alcohol content was point-23 percent, nearly three times over the amount for legal intoxication.


Northey was charged with aggravated DWI, a misdemeanor, and ticketed for excessively blowing his horn.



blow:動詞,吹;飄;呼;爆(胎);吹奏;擤(鼻涕)。片語,blow it,搞砸了;blow one’s top,氣炸了。例句:I blow my nose on a tissue paper.(我用面紙擤鼻涕。)本文中的blow one’s own horn字面意義是「吹自己的喇叭/按自己的(汽車)喇叭」,但同時也是片語「自我吹噓,自吹自擂」。

upstate:名詞,上州/州的北部。類似用法還有Upper Manhattan,上曼哈頓/曼哈頓北部;Uptown,上城/某城北部。 例句:I like Manhattan’s Upper West Side very much.(我很喜歡曼哈頓上西區。)

on duty:片語,上班,執勤中。off duty,下班,非執勤中。例句:I am off today.(我今天沒上班。)

DWI:driving while intoxicated,或DUI,driving under the influence of alcohol,酒醉駕車。DWI或DUI為專有名詞,普通直接說drunk driving即可。intoxicate,動詞,喝醉;中毒。



台長: 落葉之楓

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