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【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Coke not the real thing when it comes to

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【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Coke not the real thing when it comes to contraception: study可樂並非真能避孕︰研究說


Coke not the real thing when it comes to contraception: study


The belief that Coca-Cola works as an after-sex spermicide is nothing but urban legend, a scientist cautions in the British Medical Journal.


Professor of obstetrics and gynaecology Deborah Anderson says that Coca-cola douches were sometimes used in 1950s and 1960s America in the belief that the drink’s acidity killed sperm.


Soft-drink douches are still used as a post-coital contraceptive ploy in some poor countries, she says.


But, says Anderson, there is no evidence to suggest these unusual forms of contraception work. To begin with, Coke is not a very effective spermicide, and even if the beverage’s secret recipe were lethal, a speedy sperm is likely to outswim the douche and get to cervix first.


In addition, Coca-Cola damages the top layer of cells within the vagina, and makes a woman more prone to sexually transmitted disease.


There was another reason why she had gone into print.


An old study by her research group, on the impact of Coca-Cola on human semen, had recently been resurrected and had won IgNobel. She was afraid that the headlines surrounding this award may have repopularised the legend.



urban legend:出處不明或虛構的傳聞、謠言。


speedy:形容詞,迅速的。例句:Sometimes artists create some urban legend and use these speedy rumors as a promo ploy. (有時候藝人會製造一些傳聞,以這種迅速散播的謠言當宣傳手段。)




台長: 落葉之楓

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