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工作日誌:Taipei Times在2013年3月份的專訪報導

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Taipei Times

ANALYSIS: Bribery claims shake Maadministration to the core

Taipei Times, Sun, Mar 31, 2013 - Page 3 

By Mo Yan-chih  / Staff reporter


The bribery allegations against ChineseNationalist Party (KMT) Taipei City Councilor Lai Su-ju (賴素如) in the Taipei Twin Towers (台北雙子星) project have shaken the KMTand severely damaged the image of President Ma Ying-jeous (馬英九) administration.


Lai, a close aide of Ma who had run his KMTchairman’s office, was ordered back into detention yesterday for allegedlyaccepting NT$1 million (US$33,500) as a down payment bribe from a projectdeveloper in the bidding process for the project.

The bribery allegations are especiallyironic as she acted as the defense lawyer for former Executive Yuansecretary-general Lin Yi-shih (林益世) in his corruption trial last year.


When the scandal surrounding Lin broke lastyear, Ma, who doubles as KMT chairman, expressed regret over his close aide’slack of integrity and immediately held a corruption prevention forum withgovernment officials to demonstrate his determination to tackle the problem.


In the wake of the allegations against Lai,Ma offered his apologies twice and repeated his pledge to fight corruption.


However, his anti-corruption slogans haveceased to be persuasive and his image as a politician of integrity has beenfurther damaged. A poll released in the Chinese-language Apple Daily yesterdayshowed that 60.75 percent of respondents said they do not have confidence inthe integrity of the Ma administration. Only 31 percent still professed faithin Ma’s integrity.


PresidentMa’s integrity was the biggest asset in his political career, and he is losingthat asset in these corruption cases. He must recognize that maintaining hispersonal integrity is not enough. Action must be taken to eliminate corruptionin his party, Ming ChuanUniversity professor Chen Chao-chien (陳朝建) said.


Ma defeated the Democratic ProgressivePartys (DPP) FrankHsieh (謝長廷) in the2008 presidential election and led the KMT back to power when the DPP wasexperiencing a loss of public confidence amid the corruption scandals involvingformer president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) and his family.


Chen Chao-chien said the corruptionaccusations against Lin and Lai, as well as other KMT politicians includingNantou County Commissioner Lee Chao-ching (李朝卿), have left the Ma administration unable to shift the mediaspotlight from its poor performance to the DPP’s perceived shortcomings.


Ma’s political strength as the leader ofthe pan-blue camp would be further compromised, Chen Chao-chien said.


Amid the latest allegations, concerns aboutMa’s bid for re-election as party chairman emerged again after several KMTlegislators questioned the president’s capability, and suggested that heshoulder the responsibility for Lai’s corruption case and reconsider his plansto seek another term as party chairman.


On the other hand, a number of KMTpolitical heavyweights voiced their support for Mas re-election bid. LegislativeSpeaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平), Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺), Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌) and New Taipei City Mayor Eric Chu (朱立倫) all said that Ma should continue to serve as KMT chairman tostrengthen cooperation between the party and the government in implementingpolicies.


Even withsupport from the party heavyweights, Ma would become a nominal chairman as heis in his second and final term as president. The KMT will face a powerstruggle among future leaders and local factions,” Chen Chao-chien said.

Shih Cheng-feng (施正鋒), a professor at National Dong HwaUniversity, said the bribery scandal behind the construction project, which wasinitiated by Ma during his term as Taipei mayor in 2004, also damaged thepublics confidencein the capabilities of both Ma and Hau, and Lai’s case was another wake-up callfor Ma that he should put less trust in grassroots politicians.


National Sun Yat-sen University politicalscience professor Liao Da-chi (廖達琪) said Ma should strengthen his communications with party membersand develop a better understanding of the partys structure especially at the grassroots level.



台長: Macoto Chen
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