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2008-12-27 21:27:01| 人氣10,906| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

奇異鳥的小小夢想 "Kiwi!"

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One day, Tanemahuta was walking through the forest. He looked up at hischildren reaching for the sky and he noticed that they were starting tosicken, as bugs were eating them.

He talked to his brother, Tanehokahoka, who called all of his children, the birds of the air together.

Tanemahuta spoke to them.

"Something is eating my children, the trees. I need one of you to comedown from the forest roof and live on the floor, so that my childrencan be saved, and your home can be saved. Who will come?"

All was quiet, and not a bird spoke.

Tanehokahoka turned to Tui.

"E Tui, will you come down from the forest roof?"

Tui looked up at the trees and saw the sun filtering through theleaves. Tui looked down at the forest floor and saw the cold, darkearth and shuddered.

"Kao, Tanehokahoka, for it is too dark and I am afraid of the dark."

Tanehokahoka turned to Pukeko.

"Pukeko, will you come down from the forest roof?"

Pukeko looked down at the forest floor and saw the cold, damp earth and shuddered.

"Kao, Tanehokahoka, for it is too damp and I do not want to get my feet wet."

All was quiet, and not a bird spoke.
Tanehokahoka turned to Pipiwharauroa.

"Pipiwharauroa, will you come down from the forest roof?"

Pipiwharauroa looked up at the trees and saw the sun filtering throughthe leaves. Pipiwharauroa looked around and saw his family.

"Kao, Tanehokahoka, for I am busy at the moment building my nest."

All was quiet, and not a bird spoke. And great was the sadness in theheart of Tanehokahoka, for he knew, that if one of his children did notcome down from the forest roof, not only would his brother lose hischildren, but the birds would have no home.

Tanehokahoka turned to Kiwi.

"E kiwi, will you come down from the forest roof?"

Kiwi looked up at the trees and saw the sun filtering through theleaves. Kiwi looked around and saw his family. Kiwi looked at the colddamp earth. Looking around once more, he turned to Tanehokahoka andsaid,

"I will."

Great was the joy in the hearts of Tanehokahoka and Tanemahuta, forthis little bird was giving them hope. But Tanemahuta felt that heshould warn kiwi of what would happen.

"E kiwi, do you realise that if you do this, you will have to growthick, strong legs so that you can rip apart the logs on the ground andyou will lose your beautiful coloured feathers and wings so that youwill never be able to return to the forest roof. You will never see thelight on day again."

All was quiet, and not a bird spoke.

"E kiwi, will you come down from the forest roof?"

Kiwi took one last look at the sun filtering through the trees and saida silent goodbye. Kiwi took one last look at the other birds, theirwings and their coloured feathers and said a silent goodbye. Lookingaround once more, he turned to Tanehokahoka and said,

"I will."

Then Tanehokahoka turned to the other birds and said,

"E Tui, because you were too scared to come down from the forest roof,from now on you will wear the two white feathers at your throat as themark of a coward.

Pukeko, because you did not want to get your feet wet, you will live forever in the swamp.

Pipiwharauroa, because you were too busy building your nest, from nowon you will never build another nest again, but lay your eggs in otherbirds nests.

But you kiwi, because of your great sacrifice, you will become the most well known and most loved bird of them all."

台長: Luke
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