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2008-03-04 23:23:58| 人氣307| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Lost in love

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time has changed us
i’m no more the girl you once knew.
you’re still you, i guess,
but not the one i fell in love with.
days and nights i wonder,
i wonder if we can run away from this place for a while.
to where a true heart and a true love belong to
but exhaustedly i failed
everytime i tried to make myself happier with you,
you just didn’t get me, and i didn’t get you, either.
are we lost?
have we become more selfish than we used to be?

you know why i’m sleepless lately?
coz something’s eating me
something’s blunted my senses of love
something makes me wanna cast myself out of the window
there’s a saying which i’ve pondered a thousand times
"we’re older but not wiser."
aye, we’re older but not wiser.
if we get wiser, perhaps it means life is no more frustrating like this.

台長: 李子
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

2008-04-24 13:05:30
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