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2007-10-11 00:31:43| 人氣230| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

yeah... I’m a crazy girl

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i did one thing i had never thought to do today...riding my scooter from KS to Pingtung... just for watching the firework show with my friends.
i dare not to tell anyone that cares about me a lot because i know that would make them angry.
Of course, the show was fantastic...and one hour jsut passed as the gorgeous fireworks ended.
Life should be wasted for wonderful things...i’m not sure if watching the fireworks is really wonderful or not, but what i saw was that...a voice in me was eager to shout and do something unusual.
yeah, that’s what i am.

My friend, his girlfriend, and me sat watching the show. At some moments, i really wanted my boyfriend to be there. He worked today, that’s why i couldn’t be with him. Even though i couldn’t be with him, i won’t waste this special holiday doing nothing.

On the way there and on the way home, we just followed the crowd to where we were going with a speed that could show young people’s guts. This is really an unforgettable experience to me...because I had never known how crazy i am before this...will i try again? well...i’m looking forward to a Kengting trip with a scooter now...maybe during the New Year or something.

台長: 李子
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