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2006-05-06 23:15:11| 人氣993| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Song For David Bowie

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With glimmer like T. Rex
Dressed like a pretty girl, you
Woke up all the sleepy heads
Lit the evolutionary fire
In the nineteen-seventies.
Ziggy, the spaceboy and his story
With spiders from mars
Rised on the earth and wrote a new page
In the history of of Rock and Roll
Soon you put on another suit
The only person who was sane
Called himself Addin with
Lightening on his forehead
Then Glam Rock became one of your names
Years later you left your fame
Change, change, you have never
Stopped changing as a genius
Try hard to make breakthrough
Get tired of old tricks
Even when you escaped to Berlin
The shelter of you and Iggy
Where you open up a brand new land
The trilogy with sounds from space
As a true artist with great courage
As a graceful sentimental Thin White Duke
Composes a never-ending symphony in his castle
Through time, the image will stay
So clear as an unforgettable legend

台長: 羅拔


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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: English Poetry |
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