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The Heroine Named Lynn

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"Love melts even a steel heart."--- Virginia Wolf

I. Portrait of a Heroin

Has an open mind
Always speaks out her mind

That’s why she
Wins an old timer’s heart
And even his giggling sound

Is an absolute feminist
Wanna turns reality upside down

So that she
Eagers to have kids
Without getting married

Oh I often saw her in the dorm
Watching violent poetic movies
About action and love with boys

I, refuse to be a victim by Feminism
Just say hello
Quickly pass by

II. Another Side

She cooks like a traditional woman
She laughs more often than a baby
She’s afraid of love like an innocent girl
When the old called her "little sister"
Her face was hot as pot

I wonder
If all feminists
Behave like that

III. Lynn’s Monologue (Part 1)

I’m sorry, little wolf.
Sorry that I leave you behind.
I should not feel scared
When you come close to my side.
All my friends tell me
You are a timid one.
I still doubt if you
Were a threat to my life.
I’m sorry, little wolf .
Even you are too weak to hurt me
I can’t wipe my fear
When you make the sound.

IV. Birthday

She got an unforgettable present---
A gentle hug
A moving birthday song
The tenderness pervades the morning
In Friday’s class

She looked shy
As she had emphasized all the time
A box of chocolate
Friends’ best wish for her
To live happily ’til the hairs turn white

V. Lynn’s Monologue (Part 2)

Anxiety takes over the reasonable building
Between hopes and despairs, I’m wandering
Every moment, with the melodies sang about

VI. Melt by Love

She beamed with happiness
To someone she was meant for
She hit him gently with tenderness
As an ancient girl was flirted

The tenor sang with the bass playing in harmony
The tenor ceased then the bass roared anxiously
Limbs are able to stretch freely
When they are together as a unity

台長: 羅拔
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: English Poetry |

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