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2004-09-23 14:19:05| 人氣665| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A Story by the Lake

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By the lake, a man with broken heart suicides
In that time a nymph comes nearby
She says hold on; I could share your pain
He cries and tells her how God turns his life into a funny game

He returns home instead of ending his miserable life
It might be loneliness that put him to death
He has a new faith about her--who brings him back to life
"I will give her my all", he decides

He goes to the lake more often and she comes in his sight
They are getting closer by time
When she is in bad mood he would give her advice, or tell her not to cry
When he looks not fine, she plays some magic to get him back to smile
There might be a distance between heaven and earth
But he knows he would never regret for his choice

By the lake, a shadow remains, with loneliness
Under the tree, where they used to sit and talk, fills with silence
He feels no surprise, but sadness in his eyes, and tears go by
On one side of the leaf, he writes, "Hope everything is fine"
Then puts her name on the other side
Drops it to the lake, for making his prayer come true
In the lake, his missing never fades, flows with her name

He has never seen her again; sometimes he's still right there, waiting
For miracles, when the lake is covered by leaf, he stops waiting
Then goes back to reality, lives a ordinary life
He never forgets about the precious time, but keeps the secret inside

Before his passing away, he tells his son and daughter this story
Asks them to bury him under the tree, by the lake
When they move his body with no breathing
They don't notice, in the lake, there is no leaf remaining

PS: The picture is Catherine's work for this poem, thanks her a lot, it truly shows the lake in my mind.

台長: 羅拔
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: English Poetry |
此分類下一篇:Innocent suicide
此分類上一篇:Love Is Drug

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