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2005-09-20 22:24:58| 人氣293| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

An exhausted mind

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I always trust that nothing can’t do with passions. The NTU has just
started its new semester. The work and the new coming lessons are already formed a big stress on me. A senior who will guide me has show me that a paper list and this will become my paper material in the future. At the same time, Boss wants me to be able to take in charge on the cruise issue step by step in the coming year. Actually, as the totally failure on baseball on 3/17, my boss’ positive attitude inspires me. It seems a long time to wait for a praise. However, life is a little full with stress and I seem to lack of enough sleep.
Today my boss told us that his dream as he had had retired. He said that he owed his wife too much because of when they were young they usually had few time to go out and to travel together. Does ths same condition happen again on me and my baby ? The era urges me to work harder in order to earn a better life. I am afraid of the payment would be too great to take. I want just hold one aspect: To earn a better life for my baby. (of course, parents!)


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